Quote Originally Posted by Fibus View Post
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Please feel free to continue discussing the gear, but do so in a constructive manner.

To address a few topics that were brought up:
- The Warrior set bonus actually causes Axe Throw to throw 3 separate axes, hitting 3 different targets. If there are not 3 targets available, it will throw, and hit, as many targets as it can, up to 3.
- These set bonuses are not meant to fix any major class imbalances that exist in the game. Those kind of fixes require more work than simply adding a few additional stats to gear. Class balance is something we continue to discuss, but I don't have any additional info to share on that right now.
- To reiterate something I've said in the past, players with a Rendtail's Dragonstone or Planar Pendant will likely finding that the stats on those items, individually, are better than those found on their Glintstone gear counterpart. Players will need to decide if continuing to use those items is worth sacrificing the set bonus effect. In some cases, it might be. In others, it might not.
Does it mean that stats of this sets will stay like they are?
