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  1. roque critik setting lower
  2. Letterboards Update
  3. Arcane Playground
  4. Dead city for new players
  5. New Vanity
  6. We should make it easier to level faster.
  7. Anyone want a other better loot weekend ?
  8. Add Another Incentive to Run Arena
  9. Arcane Legends - Royal Rumble arena
  10. Another Way to Earn Gold?
  11. Gear Crafting
  12. Pet Auto-Loot Toggle On/Off
  13. waiting for one more title
  14. Temporary Trade
  15. Solution to CTF problems.....
  16. Direct Mobile Payments. (For Plats)
  17. Forum Suggestion: Personal Avatars & Signatures With [IMG] Tags
  18. Was Auto-Targeting System Tweaked?
  19. Item Preview In Auction
  20. New Mythic Pet (no plat required)......
  21. Free Platinum
  22. Pets CD
  23. CS Sale Notification
  24. CS UPGRADE In Terms of Class Searching
  25. A new spell/skill for sorcerers,rogues , warriors
  26. World boss!
  27. Fun Suggestion
  28. Feeble effect in mage
  29. Rent Items
  30. Weekend respec
  31. Make elite "non-boss" mob look different
  32. The Loan System.
  33. Revive that could work
  34. Seeing weapon speed & ping in-game
  35. two new title for all
  36. Platinum & Gold Local Loading Stations!
  37. Suggestiotns by Sibos Lv31 Rogue
  38. New Upcoming Mythic armors and helms are cool -- Great work STG
  39. Which color would look best on the new mythic pet?
  40. An RPG that takes skill?
  41. Guild Mana Pot Price Doubled?
  42. +25% Pet XP Amulet
  43. Free character slot week?
  44. Scaling down higher level gear
  45. warrior jugg cool down time and mage shield cool down time etc
  46. CTF
  47. XP accessories or gems, not pets
  48. Message spams
  49. Open another class
  50. Please remove the backwards dash of gale
  51. New Creative Titles
  52. Repercussions for scammers
  53. It is not usual screen problem
  54. New chat modes and friend list organizator
  55. Add Guild Hall to World Map
  56. /trade or /accept
  57. Hair & Face Changing
  58. new armor and sword idea!
  59. new pet idea!
  60. how about adding perks to the guild halls??
  61. how about
  62. how about adding new ally support!
  63. Locked Crates Drop Rate
  64. Warriors in PvP
  65. Minigames Carnival/Daily Boost: Easier Way To Earn Gold & plats!
  66. Jukebox: Add & Listen To Your Own Music In-Game!
  67. Lottery system
  68. Notifications
  69. pvp: twinks and endgames
  70. Guild War System
  71. Vanities color edit option
  72. Some suggestions
  73. Craft
  74. Can we have the ability to stash platinum
  75. Search Function
  76. Safety First Achievement Bugged (Obtainable even if hit)
  77. Remove The Chatbox in CTF
  78. I know a lot of people would disagree but...
  79. Fix the ctf room
  80. Race Genders
  81. New Arena Achievement "Safety First"
  82. Detailed Inspection
  83. USA Banner
  84. Requesting a few more country banners
  85. I am muted or looking for guild titles
  86. AL pet points-strength, speed
  87. Pets seriously needs to catch up
  88. regarding the scammers
  89. Notification when item is sold at auction
  90. New
  91. Separate Leaderboards- PVE/PVP
  92. Pakistan Flag Banner!
  93. Guild Leaderboard
  94. 2 things
  95. More Gold
  96. Earning platinum
  97. Feedback and analysis on 2vs2 tournament held on 27th July'2013
  98. The Sorcerer Arcane Weapon
  99. Help
  100. Buying and Selling Sub-Forums in Marketplace
  101. 100m title?
  102. A flaw that is tainting this game.
  103. i found out how to get rid of 1v1ers in pvp
  104. option to hide stats!!!
  105. Colton egg - Story Token
  106. new achievements
  107. CS Auction Sold Alerts
  108. a bunch of QOL suggestions
  109. Why isn't curse Aoe?
  110. Disallow clicking on toons and pets during runs
  111. Please last chance to get slag.
  112. Click to auto attack?
  113. Mythic Pet Damage should be increased
  114. Achievement points for member in guild window
  115. Improvement Request: Aspen
  116. Mythic sword for warrior.
  117. New pet please.
  118. Pets break me
  119. New skills for next expansion
  120. Change 10000000 into 10.000.000
  121. Inspect
  122. We have Equipment Loadouts... How about...
  123. Some cool suggestions for Arcane Legends!
  124. New Inspect Page
  125. Lets gather a fee PvP suggestion
  126. Fixing locked crates
  127. Potions pets and locked crates
  128. Feedback: Profanity Filter
  129. Switching pets or inventories in the midst of fight
  130. 1-on-1 PvP Arena where other players can watch and cheer the fights!!
  132. Add more Animated Emoticons to SMILIE LIST
  133. Gold Payings instead of Platinum Payings In Changing Face/Hair
  134. Guild hall suggestions
  135. Suggestion: Elite Tokens
  136. mage arcane weapon
  137. I cant get any platinum...(please look)
  138. Positive Feedback: Slag
  139. Soluton to the Re-Roll & Leprechaun complaints
  140. Show weapons ATK SPD
  141. Another arena complaints??
  142. Special Boss for PvP Crypts of Kraag Arena
  143. Pet Ideas
  144. Higher the Chance Of Mythic and Arcane drops on Elite Warchests and Pirate Chests
  145. Vanity Conversion
  146. Pet Favoritism
  147. Centuple (100 times) The gold drop for 1 week - Gold Rush
  148. Gold turns to Platinum - Midas Touch
  149. Chat enhancement
  150. New Achievement
  151. Trade MMH to your MB
  152. Jumping guild list
  153. Increase drop rate of crates in elite maps
  154. CD Comparison and suggestions (Cool down time)and mana output
  155. summary for the devs
  156. More. Bard quest
  157. New way to pvp that will appeal to a large audience. duels
  158. Mail box please
  159. Pvp Tag team Matches ^^
  160. Rare Treasure Chests....
  161. deposit platinum
  162. Just an Idea
  163. Incoming calls and texts
  164. Here's a suggestion
  165. Don't start elixir count down until timer starts
  166. more rewards for Lb
  167. My suggestion its for deleted twinks
  168. Warriors pose
  169. Change the look of the new store gun
  170. Feedback: Game screen does not rotate when phone is rotated 180°
  171. Are You a Boy or a Girl?
  172. Scammer List !
  173. Really Need
  174. Debs please read: Ideas
  175. Devs please read: Ideas
  176. About the gender lock
  177. new system payment.
  178. viking vanity
  179. Pet disaster...
  180. Add ignore button to private message alert
  181. Turn the cap banners into something more meaningful!
  182. Interesting weekend!!!
  183. Please remove xp elixir button in maps selection
  184. Trade more then 4 of the same item
  185. Suggestion: New September 2nd AL Bundle!
  186. my acc science
  187. Mounts!
  188. A True Team Capture the Flag game with its own LB
  189. Highlight or different color for guild leader chat in guild chat
  190. Future Pet Arcane Ability Suggestion: Pull and Stun!
  191. Disable chatbox option
  192. The Arcanos
  193. Name Cleanse
  194. Battery performance
  195. undead skin
  196. Dynamic UI Element Settings & Return Submit
  197. Pvp staked duels
  198. Suggestion!
  199. DEVS PLS READ:platinum transaction pop ups
  200. Solution to fix the issue of rogues being OP in PvE
  201. Simple Suggestion
  202. Team chat in PvP/CTF
  203. Voting to kick player in an instance
  204. [Suggestion] Shortcut for changing active skill sets :D
  205. gold - platinum converter
  206. extra protection on spendind platinum
  207. more job for npc
  208. detail that doesn't make sense
  209. Original armor vanity..??
  210. Suggestion - MAIL BOX SYSTEM :D
  211. remove ability to target or hit crater
  212. Expansion
  213. How bout "GUILD BATTLES" ?? :D
  214. Buff grave and konga
  215. Forum change please [read]
  216. Some way to kick people out of guild who havent played in a while
  217. Search Option To Guild Roster
  218. Weapon Ideas
  219. Enchantment Scrolls and Imbued items
  220. reverting pets to their orginal egg form
  221. more taunts,pvp lobby,title,taunt weapon " ideas please look"
  222. Making a guild should make us be able to make our own guild banner
  223. pets when you have more than one character
  224. Mythic Bow / Devourer Bow buff/nerf
  225. All CTF Leaderboard Banner in red.
  226. Platinum tradable??
  227. About Devourer Bow and Bonechill bow
  228. (Elite) loot distribution for Shuyal maps. ;)
  229. About new expansion - Realm of Shadow
  230. Feedback: Mythic Upgrade Quest
  231. Feedback Request: Relam of Shadow Bosses
  232. Reset Kill And Deaths Ratio
  233. loots and other drops,on mini map.
  234. New "Shadow Quest"
  235. Re: Ring
  236. To the makers of arcane legends
  237. Suggestion: Story Tokens and Hauntlet Coins
  238. Overpowered things.
  239. Mythic Rings/ AMULET upgrades?
  240. Quest for 5th Skill!
  241. XP (Call me a whiner) / elite maps/guild halls
  242. idea
  243. free respec week pls
  244. Suggestions for the Consignment Store
  245. VANITY - Big love tradeable suggestion
  246. Borrow / Loan
  247. Arcane pets
  248. Pets with platinum
  249. Suggestion for Elite Maps: Optional Timed Runs
  250. About the mythic price