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10-20-2014, 12:09 PM
oh lol u need some help :)?

10-20-2014, 05:15 PM
This is why Gyrms are so cool. Or hot. Whatever. They bathe in lava...

Agentlaggerz, Ehekutiva and me were thinking of making a girlband. Already got the matching outfits. Thought about naming it BANANARAMA, but another group had laid claim on that name ages ago. (http://www.bananarama.co.uk)

10-20-2014, 10:20 PM
Mabey Alxe :)

Cool pic, I want lava gyrm too lol I have this vanity too, let's go 1 pic more lol

10-21-2014, 03:53 AM

Congratulations on the new president, Indonesia and Indonesian knights especially. I hope Mr Joko Widodo and his VP Mr Jusuf Kalla will prove to be a good GM for this great nation, bringing Indonesia on a stratospheric rise up the world leaderboard. :)

PS Please excuse this major off-topicness, still psyched by inauguration euphoria.

10-21-2014, 06:43 AM
Go girls...

10-21-2014, 06:45 AM
Congrats Hanna n co.. on the new beginning in your country

10-21-2014, 09:24 AM
Gratz :)

10-21-2014, 05:02 PM

The Halloween event is underway!
Get busy and good luck, knights!

But first take the opportunity to grab some free egg and vanity. Check out details here:


10-22-2014, 02:22 AM
Thank u for infor ^_^

10-22-2014, 10:58 AM
CO GM Captainwink back in game! yayaaa


10-22-2014, 01:26 PM
CO GM Captainwink back in game! yayaaa


Yay!!! Nice pic of the (semi-failed) Mexican wave! Ty Isian! And so good to see Captainwink back!

10-22-2014, 01:31 PM
Woooohooooo! Welcome back :3 cool pic :)

10-22-2014, 01:32 PM
Lagged out (at 400ish ping) while entering event map and ended up...nowhere.

And limbo looks...like this.

10-22-2014, 01:47 PM
Charles should've looked in gh lol...

10-22-2014, 02:16 PM
Lagged out (at 400ish ping) while entering event map and ended up...nowhere.

And limbo looks...like this.
wow hanna! u r the first on AL who vist "no where ":D ppl ussuly go in a black hole of doom but not that D:

10-22-2014, 02:19 PM
Lagged out (at 400ish ping) while entering event map and ended up...nowhere.

And limbo looks...like this.
wow hanna! gratz u r the first on AL who vist "nowhere"! ppl ussuly entre black hole of doom but not that :D

10-22-2014, 02:23 PM
no idea why got post twice lol

10-22-2014, 06:00 PM

Thank you so much, knights, for recruiting, leveling, killing and making new achievements every day in the past week. We go up two places on leaderboard this week. Well done and congratulations!

10-22-2014, 10:07 PM
no idea why got post twice lol

It is ok, lol sometimes I can't make only 1 post here, lag :D

And gratz everyone with 34 place ^_^ thank u for your help knights :) great job!!

10-24-2014, 06:03 PM

My tongue-lollin', laser-shootin' eyeball at last, woohoooo!

Any suggestion for his name?

10-24-2014, 11:14 PM
Names for your new pet Glazik or Vsevidesheeoko lol

10-26-2014, 02:24 AM

Has this ever happened to you lately?

I think Klaas is running out of elixirs, eggs and potions to give away.

Btw Chrysophylax suggested leaving map and returning if this happens. I tried it and it worked. Klaas gave freebie as usual (in my case it was a Tankton egg). Thanks for the tip, Chrys!

10-26-2014, 02:56 AM
So I've been mulling over what to name my Blinky. I toyed with the idea of Cycleak (from cyclop the one-eyed monster and leak, a tongue-lolling Balinese demon). And Pokeme.

But over on facebook Skioraval made an inspired suggestion.


And so here he is, my newly christened Sauron.


And for those who doesn't know why Sauron is such an apt name for Blinky, this is how he is depicted in The Lord of The Rings trilogy.


And if you have not seen that movie, run don't walk and see it. Read the book too. It will change your life. You're welcome. :)

10-26-2014, 03:49 AM
Awsm (y).. :)

10-26-2014, 03:54 AM
Epic pic that.. TUSC.. ha ha.. effortless ..

10-27-2014, 02:23 PM
thank you deathhorseman for wt runs were pretty fun im proud Duel mage runs didnt die lol :P

purple ftw!


they must fix the stablity thing :/

10-27-2014, 07:42 PM

By now you probably have known that when turning in the final event quest, Perish Paracelsus, the NPC Deth will shake your hand and voila! You will drop dead. Here the Necropolis PD has just put a chalk mark around the latest victim of this serial killer.

But Vig has recently told me that there's a way to avoid the unnecessary embarrasment of dying from Deth handshake. He said charging Horn of Renew kept him alive during the encounter. Deathhorseman had since also tried using mage shield and survived the fatal handshake.

So, to dodge death by handshake this is what you have to do:

- warrior charge horn of renew
- mage charge arcane shield
- rogue... Well maybe usr Scorch arcane ability. Or ask a warrior to put heal shield around you.

Also on this occasion, halfway through the busy, exciting Halloween event, I would like to congratulate and thank all of you knights. I'm very proud to notice that the guild is busy around the clock. And we have quite a number of Death's Hands now, quite a feat considering I know a lot of us do it the hard and dirty way, camping out in tombs collecting essences instead of buying energy kits. This activity will certainly help the guild in a big way, and for that I thank you.

I am also proud to see that many knights have become not only quite a pro at butchering the dreaded Paracelsus, they even purposely ask to be invited whenever this boss is on map. I am very proud that for the most part Trinity Knights don't back down from this boss. I have seen people on map with better gear and pets leaving when they see it is Paracelsus. But so far I have not heard of any knights who do that.

I am sorry that for levels 25-39 it is often difficult to get help due to zone level restriction and the fact that 80% of online knights nowadays are level 40+. But I hope you can still benefit from the event. If possible, try to level up to 40 before end of event. Craft the bones and essences you get while farming xp. And craft energy from essences to use when you are finally level 40. By then I hope the guild can better help you succeed with the bosses.

Keep up the fantastic job, knights! Fair wind and good hunting to all! :)

PS. Thank you Vig for the tip on avoiding handshake death. And thanks Deathhorseman for modeling in this photo session. :)

10-27-2014, 11:47 PM
Snap!! Look who I found!!

Blue Cheekster
10-28-2014, 12:24 AM

This is how I kill Jack. First turn him into frozen pumpkin. Then mash him to a pulp. Pumpkin pie anyone? :)

10-28-2014, 05:29 AM

This is how I kill Jack. First turn him into frozen pumpkin. Then mash him to a pulp. Pumpkin pie anyone? :)

Lol I want hahaha

10-28-2014, 05:31 AM
thank you deathhorseman for wt runs were pretty fun im proud Duel mage runs didnt die lol :P

purple ftw!


they must fix the stablity thing :/

Nice ^_^ cool vanity, u look like bro lol

10-28-2014, 10:50 AM
Snap!! Look who I found!!

I think you forgot the picture.. Haha

Hey and I just found Blinky :single_eye:

10-28-2014, 11:37 AM
Lol.. my tap talk has been acting up bruv. Ha ha.. cool yo.. u got mike wazowski.. :)

10-28-2014, 11:48 AM

10-28-2014, 11:49 AM
There u go... ha ha.. found u.. :)

10-29-2014, 11:05 AM
There u go... ha ha.. found u.. :)

Rascal :playful:

Btw. you(read:TK) can all add my "baby" toons if you want help during event. (Or just for kicks for that matter)

Don't judge my name choises... :monkey::angel:

Warriors: Vigulfrjr (L11), Chucknorrisjr (L11), Budspencerjr (L11)
Rogues: Vigulfrinjr (L10), Stabstabkick (L11), Sharppokyawaw (11)
Mages: Vigulfric (L16), Vigagra (L16), Weewiz (L11)

I've disabled XP gain on all, but may take one of each to somewhere in L26-36 range. I will keep one of each at L 11 and 16 though.

PS. I reject friendrequests if you don't send a PM first to identify yourselves, because I don't add randoms.

10-29-2014, 04:01 PM
You win with Vigagra. Bonus prize for Stabstabkick.

10-29-2014, 08:27 PM
Duly noted sire!! :)

10-31-2014, 07:42 AM
Happy Halloween :D

10-31-2014, 03:21 PM
Happy helloween TK !!!!

11-02-2014, 02:34 AM
magma blades + nomnom + abaddon made me have 1049.5 dps!!!! My glorious moment!!!! :wink:


i will miss u, grandpa statue and this beautiful view :'(



11-04-2014, 01:05 AM
Last 2 min lol Bye Para!

Our guild party :3

Sorry, my internet let mw posted only 2 pic :( another will be later

11-04-2014, 08:20 AM
Some of my highlights during the Halloween Event!

-finished event with 15,440 pts with 9 tokens
-farming essences in watchers tomb IV and kraken mines III with some of the Knights
-got some locks too
-and some runs with my "K" duo, Kanaomi!


11-04-2014, 08:26 AM
cool aza! :vwub:

11-04-2014, 10:29 AM

At this time when the Halloween event is on cooldown, let me thank you again, knights, for your amazing activity, helpfulness, and camaraderie throughout the event. It's you, all of you who responded to call for help with Paracelsus, who started essence run parties, who answered questiona about bones and ghosts over and over on guild chat...you are the ones who made the Halloween event truly fun. Thank you all, so very very much.

11-04-2014, 02:27 PM



11-04-2014, 02:29 PM
wow 15K Gratz!! Thank u for help with event Killer! and gratz :)

11-04-2014, 02:30 PM
Thank u hanna for help, it is was the best event ^_^ I hope winter event will be so awesome too!

11-05-2014, 05:11 AM

My mage showing off new title, pet and...um..victim.


My warrior and Tommy Noggin.
They went to the same barber.

11-05-2014, 06:42 AM

My mage showing off new title, pet and...um..victim.


My warrior and Tommy Noggin.
They went to the same barber.

i think the barber's tools were too sharp... poor tommy he gotta carry the head with him :s

11-05-2014, 09:02 AM

Frankenstein isn't exactly the name of the unnatural creature in Mary Shelley's novel. Frankenstein is in fact the name of the scientist who created the monster by putting together parts and pieces from different sources. So...meet a Frankenstein! Whose looks are a combo of something from the horror movie, something from the 19th century wealthy gentleman ensemble, and something elondrian. Yes, I suspect the electric spark on his shoulder powers the Christmas lights on his shield. *ducks swinging club*

11-05-2014, 11:15 AM

"Para 2 slots 40+."
"No energy sorry."
"Me please but I'm level 35."
So gonna miss that.


We said goodbye to Deth.


And he insisted on a farewell handshake. RIP Frankenstein.


We said goodbye to the Necropolis Guard.


We said goodbye to El Muerto who gave us a cold shoulder.


I said goodbye to Tiptop who insisted on calling me newbie.


So Kitesic taught him a little lesson.


Bubye Thoth. Thanks for the funny masks.


Bye Tommy. Out of curiosity...did you put your head there on purpose so as to be at a rogue's waist height...or so you can eyeball a mage without looking down?


We said goodbye to Ted the multidimensional ghost.


And it was trial and tribulation trying to take a group photo where strangers can come and photobomb away.
But we managed.
Sort of.
Thank you Cleodiaz, Frennzy, Juniperbreeze, Kanaomi, Kitesic, Opheliaskye and Warhorseman
for joining Trinity Knights
Farewell to Necropolis photo session.

11-05-2014, 11:21 AM
wat about hildred? xD

11-05-2014, 11:41 AM
wat about hildred? xD
LOL we started taking a pic with Hildred then got mobbed by strangers photobombing like nobody's business. Idk if War or Kana got good ones out of it but all I took had people's back, weapon, pet bufd and whatnot around it. XD

11-05-2014, 01:53 PM
Hey all, just joined the guild. Didn't realize how big it was... lol
Look forward to getting to know some of you!
IGN: Xxxboom

11-05-2014, 02:23 PM
Hey all, just joined the guild. Didn't realize how big it was... lol
Look forward to getting to know some of you!
IGN: Xxxboom

Welcome in our family Xxxbom :)

11-05-2014, 02:36 PM
Welcome in our family Xxxbom :)

Thanks! You can just call me Boom btw.
Had to have the x's to get the name lol :)

11-05-2014, 07:25 PM
Hey all, just joined the guild. Didn't realize how big it was... lol
Look forward to getting to know some of you!
IGN: Xxxboom

Welcome to Trinity Knights, Boom. Glad to have you with us. Hope you find a home and family here. :)

Blue Cheekster
11-05-2014, 09:03 PM
I've been trying to solo Captain Krom in Undim Fields since level 31 but didn't have enough damage to kill him before running out of statues. At lvl 36 I finally could.

Went on to solo Inan. Had to reset once and died twice but finally did it.

Feeling ambitious. Went to Tindirin and soloed the first boss. Ethyl was very helpful.

And soloed Troll too.

I'm very happy! :)

P.S. Pics of dead Captain Krom and dragon were taken at my second solo run with those bosses because the first time around I didn't take screencap. :p

11-06-2014, 05:45 AM
I've been trying to solo Captain Krom in Undim Fields since level 31 but didn't have enough damage to kill him before running out of statues. At lvl 36 I finally could.

Went on to solo Inan. Had to reset once and died twice but finally did it.

Feeling ambitious. Went to Tindirin and soloed the first boss. Ethyl was very helpful.

And soloed Troll too.

I'm very happy! :)

P.S. Pics of dead Captain Krom and dragon were taken at my second solo run with those bosses because the first time around I didn't take screencap. :p

Wow :) gratz with solo kills! Great job! Thank u for cool pic :)

11-06-2014, 06:27 AM
Hey all, just joined the guild. Didn't realize how big it was... lol
Look forward to getting to know some of you!
IGN: Xxxboom

Hey Boom, welcome aboard :D

11-06-2014, 10:46 AM
A year ago today Trinity Knights debuted on the top 50 guild leaderboard. And we have stayed ever since. Some of the guilds that were on the leaderboard that week had merged, collapsed, or dropped off. But Trinity Knights have stayed.

This is where we are today on the anniversary of our leaderboard debut. It is with pride that I tell you that we have remained in the top 10 list of guilds with highest achievement points for almost a year now.


It has not been easy staying on the leaderboard. Trinity Knights have had its share of crises and chaos. That we have managed to pull through is a feat only made possible by the loyalty, strong bond of friendship and a deep sense of belonging of the core guildies.

While staying on the leaderboard, against all odds, is a feat we can all be proud of, we must not be easily satisfied. And so on this occasion I'd like to ask you to join me in building our guild.

The goal is to have people see our guild name and recognize it as a good, friendly and respectable guild.

The goal is for everyone to be stronger and more skilled in combat, to be more independent and knowledgeable when it comes to making and managing assets, and have closer ties and better teamwork among the guildies.

The goal is to be better and better, not just for the leaderboard, but for ourselves and each other. Because if we have more strong guildies to do everything from elite farming to pvp clashes, the more we will enjoy the game.

Happy leaderboard anniversary, knights. Thank you so much for everything. And let's get to work.

11-06-2014, 11:47 AM
nice job everyone!

11-07-2014, 02:43 AM
Gratz ^_^ thanks everyone :)

11-07-2014, 07:02 AM
LOL we started taking a pic with Hildred then got mobbed by strangers photobombing like nobody's business. Idk if War or Kana got good ones out of it but all I took had people's back, weapon, pet bufd and whatnot around it. XD


Goodbye Hildred and your awful recipes! \^o^

11-07-2014, 07:05 AM
yay Dimp! Grats ^____^

11-07-2014, 07:23 AM
Well deserved bragging rights cheekster.. :).. u went hans solo and conquered all.. true grit :)
I still cnt solo undim fields lol

11-07-2014, 07:25 AM
While almost everyone was MIA for a day (missed yous), I had a productive day xD

Took Kelvin aka Jacob for a "stunning" test drive, with Success :) I soloed Regular Rendtail, lol..
and farmed a few locks $$$$ Fahlalalala-la-la-cuhching! ;)

11-07-2014, 07:30 AM

11-09-2014, 02:52 AM
Thanks for elite runs :)

Grilled Barr XD



11-09-2014, 03:19 AM

Ty bro for these brilliant captures.. [emoji108] [emoji106] [emoji106]

11-09-2014, 10:57 AM
This guide details the minimum requirement you need to meet to be able to efficiently run elite maps, Planar Arena, and the Planar Tombs.

Goal: to have a minimum of 400dmg, 3k hp and 1.3k armor petless, no elixir. Ability to deal a lot of damage.

Basic build: pure dex, passives: 5/5 Agility, Might, Knowledge, Critical

- 5/5 Aimed Shot (always shoot this first to get the +10% crit)
- 4/5 Noxious Bolt (except last upgrade)
- 1/5 Shadow Piercer
- 3/5 Entangling Trap (upgrade with Razor Wire and Net Retraction)
- 4/5 Shadow Veil (except Combusting Decay)

Use aimed shot, noxious bolt, shadow veil and choose between trap and shadow piercer for fourth skill.

Armor and helm: lvl 36 mythic; or lvl 41 Necroptic/Living Spirit/Ancient Druid of Potency. Best most affordable set for now is matching Icescales Potency (armor and helm) to get the +10 dex bonus.

Weapon: Expedition Recurve of Potency; Magma Blades of Brutality (or Tactics); Planar Knives of Brutality; lvl 41 mythic bow or daggers

Ring: Elondrian Grove Ring of Celerity; Frostbitten Ring of Brutality wirh main stat dex; Archon Ring of Potency (or Brutality) with main stat dex; Blood Ruby of Shuyal; lvl 36 Fangmaster Ring of Warfare

Amulet: Eerie Necropolis Amulet of Potency with main stat dex; Sacred Elondrian Pendant of Security; Wild Amulet of Potency; Fang of Fenrir; lvl 36 Tarlok's Amulet of Potency

Upgrade all items with fire gem.

Pets: look for pets that give dex and/or primary stats, dmg, crit and/or speed. Crowd control (freezing, stunning or slowing down of enemies) and extra armor a bonus.
Malison (gives highest hp to rogue), Crawly, Ribbit, McCraw, Kettle, Talon, Shadowlurk, Gyrm, Dovabear, Blinky, Slag, Grimm, Abaddon, Yowie

Also read:
Rogue's Tips and Tricks by Zeus (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?172230-Rogue-s-Tips-amp-Tricks)

Kalizzaa's solo elite guides for rogues. The information is equally useful in party runs. (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?147373-Elite-Chronicles-Solo-Adventures-in-the-Elite-Maps-of-Arlor)

Goal: to have a minimum of 450dmg 3k hp and 1.1k armor, petless, no elixir. Ability to control mobs by stunning, freezing, snaring them.

Basic build: pure int, passives: 5/5 Knowledge, Might, Agility, Critical

5/5 Fireball
3/5 Frost Bolt (upgrade 2, 3)
5/5 Timeshift
4/5 Shield (upgrade 1, 3, 4)
3/5 Lightning (upgrade 1, 3)

On mobs use fire, frost, timeshift and shield. At boss replace timeshift with lightning.

Armor and helmet: lvl 36 mythic or lvl 41 Necroptic/Ancient Druid/Living Spirit of Brutality. Best most affordable set for now is matching Icescales Brutality (armor and helm) to get the +10 int bonus

Weapon: Magma Totem of Brutality (Potency if you need more health); Planar Rod of Brutality (Potency if you need more health); Expedition Rifle of Brutality; mythic staves and guns

Ring: Frostbitten Ring of Brutality (main stat int); Elondrian Grove Ring of Fitness; Archon Ring of Assault; Blood Ruby of Shuyal

Amulet: Eerie Necropolis Amulet of Assault; Sacred Elondrian Pendant of Fitness; Wild Talisman of Brutality; Lunar Pendant

Upgrade all item with glacial gem.

Pets: look for pets that give int and/or primary stats, dmg, crit and/or speed. Extra health and armor a bonus.
Malison (gives highest hp to sorcerer) Colton, Orion, Ethyl, Crawly, Shadowlurk, Ribbit, Gyrm, Dovabear, Blinky, Slag, Grimm, Abaddon, Yowie

Also read:
PVE tips for mages by Haligali. (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/entry.php?1430-PVE-Tips-for-mages-2-%28LVL41%29)

Note: Most of the following guide was written by Warhorseman. I only added some parts about gear and pets. The parts I added are within parentheses. -Ilhanna

Warrior PvE build

Stat/skill points:
As any class your stat points must go on primary stat, in warrior's case it's STRENGTH.

Skills. A warrior's job is to hold aggro and take incoming attacks, if you can't do that sorry you chose the wrong class. The following skills are what I prefer for my warrior:

Juggernaut 5/5 - for taunt and parking
Vengeful Blood (VB) 5/5 - for mana return and greater damage
Horn of Renew (HoR) 5/5- monitor hp level of your pt member and use when they drop to 30% or to regain aggro in emergency
Skyward Smash (SS) 4/5 (all upgrades except last)
Windmill (WM) 4/5 (all upgrades except last)
Chest Splitter (CS) 3/5 (first and last upgrades)

Durable 5/5
Might 5/5
Knowledge 4/5 (if you have more than 800-900 mana I would add points to Agility instead)

Now different situation call for different skill sets (elite maps & regular maps/tombs).
For elite I prefer Jugg, HoR, CS and WM.
As for regular maps/ tombs I prefer VB, HoR, WM and SS.

I for one prefer mythic set as gives most damage and enough armor to more than survive current elite. But if you cannot afford mythic the next best gears are necroptic/ancient druid/hellish of will as they give great armor. Best most affordable set for now is matching Icescales Assault or Fitness (armor and helm) to get the +10 str bonus.

As for weapon, I would suggest getting magmatic claymore of will (great damage with armor as well).

[Other recommended tanking weapons include conquistador wall of potency, arlorian shield, vigilant pavise of fitness, planar club of will, and of course the elondrian bulwark.

Ring: Frostbitten Ring of Potency; Elondrian Grove Ring of Fitness; Night Ocean Ripple of Warfare with str main stat; Blood Ruby of Shuyal.

Amulet: Eerie Necropolis Amulet of Potency; Sacred Elondrian Pendant of Fitness; Wild Amulet of Will; Tarlok's Amulet of Fitness

Upgrade every item with blood gem or elondrian shards.

Pets: look for pets that give str and/or primary stats, health, armor and dmg. Crowd control (stun/freeze) and speed a bonus.
Ribbit, Loki, Frist, Yowie, Prance, Little Bear, Ethyl, Crawly, Snaggletooth, Valkin, Ironbite, Blinky, Abaddon, Grimm, Slag, Kelvin/George (for stunning bosses).]

Well there you have it, my pure pve build for TK. Hope this helps you and your pt to survive deadly elites and always remember your pt comes first :)


Also read:

Guide to farming elite Tindirin by Ishxmeet. (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?167194-Guide-Easiest-and-Efficient-way-to-Farm-in-Elite-Tindrin)

How to tank elite maps by Ogani. (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?148999-How-to-Tank-Elite-Maps-Cannon-fodder-but-also-the-cannons)

Read the comments on this thread for some very helpful tanking and gear tips. (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?179605-What-armor-weapon-for-elite)

Read the comments on this thread for very helpful gear and general warrioring tips. (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?176339-Advice-on-Tanking-Gear-amp-Stats-for-Elite-Dungeons)


- If you cannot yet afford the gear and pet recommended on this list keep farming regular maps and low level elites (for example elite Brackenridge, Rooks Nest, Lost Mage Mine, Southern Seas) to collect gold and buy gear. I do not recommend running elite Nordr up with inadequate stats and gear.

- Dragkin teeth will become very valuable when the Planar Tombs arrive. The mythic pendant requires a dragonite bar to craft and some items in the tombs can be purchased with teeth. So if you have not farmed Tindirin for teeth, start now. Teeth dropped from Tindirin bosses and have a higher chance to drop on elite maps.

11-10-2014, 03:24 PM

I actually looted more lockeds from Tindirin mobs while farming dragkin teeth than I do from, say, KM3. Strange.

11-11-2014, 07:52 AM
Thanks for the elite guide Hanna. Now all I need is a free re-spec weekend.

Funny that, I have speed loaded as a passive for all characters but most modern pets have made that redundant now. The good news is I now have some points to allocate with.

11-11-2014, 11:48 PM

I actually looted more lockeds from Tindirin mobs while farming dragkin teeth than I do from, say, KM3. Strange.
Maybe u loot more tooths in km3 LoL go try

11-12-2014, 08:11 PM
Maybe u loot more tooths in km3 LoL go try

Wait...um...Rendtail. Or Arachna. In tombs? No. Just no.

11-12-2014, 08:17 PM
Thanks for the elite guide Hanna. Now all I need is a free re-spec weekend.

Funny that, I have speed loaded as a passive for all characters but most modern pets have made that redundant now. The good news is I now have some points to allocate with.

You're welcome, Osay. It's actually what I did with my rogue too before I knew better.

Too bad respec scrolls are expensive.

11-12-2014, 11:50 PM
Wait...um...Rendtail. Or Arachna. In tombs? No. Just no.
Hmm but dont you want to know what "setting the roof on fire" means? XD

11-14-2014, 02:22 AM
Thanks Guru, Warh and Super for planar tomb lv 1
It was not easy and if u want to do it, u need to know some things. 1) for kill mobs faster u can use grimm 2) u need many pots and plat(ankh) for boss 3) use kelvin at boss, u need to find a moment when boss will be have big red zone around him, wait a few sec and use kelvin. Why kelvin? bec he can stun boss,and firecrystal will not appere(firecrystal will kill u in 1 hit) 4) better do it with 1 tank 2 rogues and 1 mage or 1 tank 2 mages and 1 rogue.
Thank u Guru for your Kelvin help and Warh for info aboit it, after 1h 15 min we did it lol Gratz! was cool run with u!
P.S. sorry for my English...

11-15-2014, 04:21 AM
Thank u Baby for Krunch 2 and achiv :)
Planar tomb lv 2
For lv 2 u need pots, ankh or plats for alive(boss kill u in 1 hit), kelvin, georgi or slag pets for stun boss(if u use it when boss will be in big red zone, mobs will not apper) and very good tank :) Best strategy for rogues and mages it is hit boss and run away, hit boss and run away, it is help u to stay alive more time lol AND DONT NEED TO CLEAN ALL STATUES, IT IS DONT NEED FOR KILL BOSS.
Better have in party 1 perfect tank, 2 rogues and 1 mage. If right, way for boss it is in 1 map -> right way; in 2 map -> left way and 3 map -> dunno lol(mabey left)
Was not easy, i used 8 plats for alive at boss. Good Luck u!

11-15-2014, 08:09 AM
Hey aza, THX for helpful planar tombs guide. Was a pleasure to run first lvl with u :)) tried 2 too think besteht pt is 1 war 2 rouges 1mage and as much stun pets as possible. Dmg lix also useful ;) gl all

11-15-2014, 04:29 PM
Hey aza, THX for helpful planar tombs guide. Was a pleasure to run first lvl with u :)) tried 2 too think besteht pt is 1 war 2 rouges 1mage and as much stun pets as possible. Dmg lix also useful ;) gl all

Hey :) yes, was cool run with u too ^_^ dmg lix will be very helpful :) gl u with lv 3 ;)

11-19-2014, 01:18 AM
We saw new weapon(planar club) now will be new armor and helmet hehe ^_^ and pets :)
More info u can get here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?187561-The-Planar-Tombs-Are-Live%21-Here-s-a-Look-Inside
Good luck u!

11-19-2014, 01:57 PM
Ow :3 plz give me autograph ^_^
masking level 80 lol
And boss in planar tomb lv 3. For it need 1 tank, 1 rogue and 2 mages, which have watch and ice. Then u will need 25% damage lix and many ankh. Good luck u!

11-19-2014, 11:37 PM

With all our hearts we wish you many happy at this day!
Let all your dreams came true, like a hopes and expectations in your life.
We wish u good health, strenght to resist difficulties,
big success in all your deals and GREAT HAPPINESS! :)

11-20-2014, 08:41 AM
Thank you, knights, for the birthday wishes. And thank you so much, Aza, for posting these. You could not have given me a better present on this day, my second birthday in Trinity Knights.

I also would like to apologize for not being with you for the past week. I have been ill and could not play at all. But I'm much better now and looking forward to gradually coming back to play.

Many thanks to the officers and everyone who have been keeping the guild together in my absence. Thanks and congratulations to everyone who leveled up and scored new achievements. Keep up the great job. :)

11-20-2014, 09:25 AM
Thank you, knights, for the birthday wishes. And thank you so much, Aza, for posting these. You could not have given me a better present on this day, my second birthday in Trinity Knights.

I also would like to apologize for not being with you for the past week. I have been ill and could not play at all. But I'm much better now and looking forward to gradually coming back to play.

Many thanks to the officers and everyone who have been keeping the guild together in my absence. Thanks and congratulations to everyone who leveled up and scored new achievements. Keep up the great job. :)

Today your day! all for u \(^_^)/ smile more today :)

Welcome back :)

11-20-2014, 01:09 PM
I also would like to apologize for not being with you for the past week. I have been ill and could not play at all. But I'm much better now and looking forward to gradually coming back to play.

I've been ill too with a virus for about a week, got new work, and turned 30 years old on november 17th. :biggrin:
Happy birthday Ilhanna! Also get 100% well soon! :victorious:

11-20-2014, 09:01 PM
I've been ill too with a virus for about a week, got new work, and turned 30 years old on november 17th. :biggrin:
Happy birthday Ilhanna! Also get 100% well soon! :victorious:

Belated happy birthday, Vig! Welcome to a new decade! :)

And congratulations on the new job! I'm very happy for you. :)

Blue Cheekster
11-20-2014, 11:17 PM

After several tries, I finally soloed Alargan. And got green loot lol.

11-21-2014, 07:04 PM

After several tries, I finally soloed Alargan. And got green loot lol.

Seems right short mage loots children's gear xD jk, gratz :)

11-22-2014, 07:48 AM
Thank u for lv 3 tomb!!!!! Thank u Guru and Warh :)
But i think after last update very hard to kill bosses. My best crit was 700!!!! not 1k not 2k! min 40! how?! -.- we did it about 1h+ only boss

11-22-2014, 11:23 AM
Yesterday Samhayne join the guild to talk about the dc issue :)


Nice lol

11-24-2014, 07:37 AM



3. Because in December we will have the Winter event. Previous events (Goblin Invasion, Ursoth Assault, Halloween) showed that it is much easier to find parties if you are level 40+. Most of the helpful guildies are capped, but they could not enter a lower level event map to help.

2. At level 40 you can farm in far more places, like the elite maps. Check out our basic elite guide for tips on build, gear and pet for elite runs.


1. Everyone who level up to 40 between today (November 24) and Sunday (November 30) will get a guild present of an egg and other stuffs. Contact me or any officers online to let us know you have leveled up. If no officer is online, take a screencap of your avatar showing your level, and post here or on our facebook page.

Guide on how to take screenshot:


Trinity Knights Facebook page (http://tinyurl.com/TKGuildAL)

Good luck on leveling!

11-24-2014, 11:03 AM
Planar boss 1. Counting to 8 always seemed a little variable to me. Some people count faster :). A random pointed it out to me today after I was asked to stop using fireballs. Count the number of fire explosions. Then stun at the eighth. Ohhhhhhhh. Well I feel a little stupid now.

11-24-2014, 01:38 PM
Thank u Uca :)

Good luck everyone with lv up event!

11-25-2014, 02:42 AM
Knights, it's double XP week starting Tuesday, November 25. Use this opportunity to level yourself and your pets up faster. The guild will reward you with a present if you can level up to 40 before December 1.

While leveling up may be costly in terms of potions, you can try to recoup some of the gold by:

1. For level 38 up, farm Tindirin normal for teeth and dragonscale chest. Tindirin mobs also may drop locked crates occasionally.

2. Level 38 up can also run Kraken Mines for locked crates and chance of Nexus egg. If you can't get a party or if running in party makes you dc, you can still solo these maps. It might take twice as long but that is better than having to wait for party invite.

3. Run Hauntlet for tokens that you can use to buy pet eggs to sell or use. If you cannot find a party for Hauntlet or if parties make you dc while fighting mobs, try running solo Hauntlet. This is doable even for warriors. Just take a bit more time.

4. Run Kraag Tombs or Watchers Tombs and craft gems with the essences you loot there. Sell the gems or keep for double supergem chance weekend where prices might be better.

Don't forget to check our ELITE BUILD GUIDE (http://tinyurl.com/TKeliteguide) to help you decide what to do with the points you get when leveling.

Good luck on leveling, knights!

Blue Cheekster
11-25-2014, 11:58 AM
Elite maps I have soloed. (I also did Brackenridge Aqueducts until Lost Mage Mine elite with Jesster).


Came back on after maintenance to do the last two elite Kraken maps. Bloodhammer was tough and took 55 minutes, but I finally got Konga. :)


11-26-2014, 08:38 AM

Getting 27,500 xp to get from level 40 to 41 might be a long, tedious process. And once you reached the final destination, what then? How do you spend your game time when you do not have to level up anymore?

Here are a few ideas:

1. If you haven't already, get a leprechaun pendant (lepre). Buy luck elixir or use the one from Klaas/Shazbot to farm for lockeds and eggs in normal or easy elite maps and save up to buy a lepre. It's the one most valuable investment you can make in game and while its work is chance-based (not certain), it will still be helpful to have when you farm.

2. Find the Elusive Four to get the achievement. Elusive Four are elite mobs that very rarely appear on normal map. You know it's an elusive mob by the red skull over its head and a name underneath it. To look for the elusive enemy, all you have to do is run through the maps where they might be found. You don't even have to spend pots killing mobs, just run through map and looking at every corner, leaving when you do not find them.

There are 4 elusive enemies:
- Skratch spawns wherever there are skeletons, including Kraken Mines, Watchers Tomb, some Ydra and Dead City maps.
- Firstmate Ripper spawns wherever there are sharks: Grog Beach, Skull Cove and Palm Rock Island.
- Argex spawns wherever there are ice giants: Oltgar Keep, Crystal Caverns, Hall of Valheim.
- Arma-zu spawns wherever there are hell demons: Arcanum Castle and Tower of Mardrom.

3. Find Krunch 2 and Bael 2 for achievement and loot. These elite bosses may spawn on a normal map after the boss is killed. You can tell it's the elite boss by the red skull over their head and their name beneath it.

Krunch 2 may spawn after you kill bosses in Oltgar Keep and Ancient Mariner Reef.
Bael 2 may spawn after you kill bosses in Windmoore Harbor, Mt. Spyr, and Crystal Caverns.

4. Get a stun pet like Kelvin or George. They might come in handy for tough bosses on elite maps, including the Planar Arena and Tombs. You can buy them as eggs or try to farm them.

Kelvin drops from Frostr in Oltgar Keep. So you can run this map to look for the elusive Argex, get a chance of finding Krunch 2, and try to loot Kelvin at the same time.
George is a reward you get for completing the Monkey Ball daily from Gypsy Rose on the Dragon Jewel. The daily is completed in Ancient Mariner Reef so you can do it, kill the boss to get a chance at finding Krunch 2, and try to get George all in one go.

5. Run Hauntlet. Do five or more Hauntlet runs a day to collect coins you can buy eggs with. At max 3 minutes per run this shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes tops a day. Shiloh costs 250 coins and a good speed pet to have for maps where you may have to run fast to boss (for example elite Wilds and Jagged Trail). Jack (75 coins) is a good pet to have for farming low level maps because it replenishes mana and gives speed.

6. Get elite achievements. Start from the lowest level (Brackenridge) and work your up so you can train yourself for increasingly harder elite maps. Try to solo or duo the easy elite maps (from elite Brackenridge to Kraken Isles). While getting achievements you can also farm Loki and Kettle eggs in elite Brackenridge and Ydra; Malison in elite Rooks Nest; Wathjaw and Snaggletooth in elite Dead City maps. Ask for pt on guild chat or ask officer to help you get these achievements.

Don't forget to check out the guide for elite build/gear/pet HERE (http://tinyurl.com/TKeliteguide).

7. Level up your pets. Level up your new pets as you farm to unlock more awesome abilities. Pets generally gain a new ability every 10 levels.

8. Farm dragkin teeth. Dragonite bars are selling for millions and you might want to keep one too for crafting mythic amulet. Do Wilds normal or elite over and over to get the 150 teeth necessary to buy a bar. This is also a great opportunity to level yourself and your pets up.

So, those are some ideas on how to spend your play time at high levels. Even if you only play for half an hour every day, doing some of these should fill your play time with fun and possibly also good loots.

11-26-2014, 01:33 PM
Elite maps I have soloed. (I also did Brackenridge Aqueducts until Lost Mage Mine elite with Jesster).


Came back on after maintenance to do the last two elite Kraken maps. Bloodhammer was tough and took 55 minutes, but I finally got Konga. :)

Gratz with solo and new pet :) great job!

11-27-2014, 03:45 AM
On November 27, 2014, the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving by, I was told, combining turkey dinner and football.

While Thanksgiving is an American tradition, I think being thankful for what we have is good for everyone, in real life and in game.

So on this Thanksgiving day I am thankful for:

- my family, the two-footed and four-footed ones alike;

- Trinity Knights, without this guild I would've stopped playing last year;

- My best friends in game whom I met first in Trinity Knights;

- Klaas and his combo lix and...ankhs!

What are you thankful for today?

11-27-2014, 11:07 AM
What gives on the maintence error, 3 devices tried this morning, and all 3 can not connect. Had this error some yesterday, but clearing data and restart fixed it. Anyone else down?
Also, today im thankful for meeting some new friends, and finally being able to contribute to a strong pt :)

11-27-2014, 11:20 AM
What gives on the maintence error, 3 devices tried this morning, and all 3 can not connect. Had this error some yesterday, but clearing data and restart fixed it. Anyone else down?
Also, today im thankful for meeting some new friends, and finally being able to contribute to a strong pt :)

I did get the notification too but if I leave the game login screen on for a minute or two, it would show a login button like normal and I could get in. I've been playing nonstop tonight, the game is up and running. No maintenance.

See this post, Jess. Sam mentioned some ideas to work around the problem.


11-27-2014, 11:30 AM
Hmm, tried that also, still no go. Oh well, dinner in a bit, ill try later. Happy hunting everyone

11-27-2014, 11:34 AM
Aw, this is terrible. Explains why so few of us are on despite double xp week. :(

Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner, Jess. Hope to see you in game soon.

11-28-2014, 08:26 AM

Kelvin doesn't have amazing happiness bonus. But his arcane ability (AA) is very useful when fighting tough bosses on elite map, Planar arena and tomb.

Kelvin is a wolf pet that you can farm in normal Oltgar Keep by killing the boss Frostir.

Kelvin's AA (what you get when you hit the pet skill button) gives 100% stun chance. This means that the boss will get stunned no matter how low level your Kelvin is. You know a boss is stunned if you see stars over their head and they stop moving.

Kelvin has a shorter cooldown time than George. This means that you can use his AA sooner than if you use George, which is another useful stun pet.

Kelvin's AA only works if he is close to boss. So he is extremely useful for warriors, who have to tank boss directly.

When you are using Kelvin at boss, don't just spam his AA whenever it is available. Save it for risky situations.

Some examples on when to use Kelvin's AA:

1. When tanking Inan Hesh hit Kelvin AA immediately when he has big red ring around him. This will stop Inan from spawning blue mages;

2. When tanking Alargan hit Kelvin's AA when boss has snared someone and has a red zone around him ready to pounce;

3. When tanking Marrow, first boss of Planar tomb, watch the fire flare around him and hit Kelvin's AA at the 8th or 9th flare. This will stop him from creating lava pit and fire throwing tower;

4. Make sure your party has Kelvin/George when fighting Sorrax, the second Planar tomb boss. Take turns hitting pet AA to keep boss stunned;

5. Also a good idea to use as many stun pets as possible when fighting in arena to keep boss stunned.

So make sure to get a Kelvin in your stable. It's a really useful pet to have.

11-28-2014, 04:39 PM
Knights, I got a report today that someone named Beukreut (level 18) had approached a Trinity Knights guild member, and claimed that s/he is me. Beukreut then asked the guildie to put him/her in touch with an officer. Then s/he pm the officer and beg for something, claiming that s/he is me.

Let me make this clear. Beukreut is NOT me. My chars are Ilhanna (rogue 41), Barrayaran (warrior 41), Squishballz (mage 41), Lemoncupcake (warrior 32) and Tauranine (rogue 10). All, except for Taura, are in Trinity Knights.

Please do not trust anyone who approach you claiming they are me. Especially if the person does something that is against Trinity Knights rules (for example begging, blind inviting, asking to be recruited at levels lower than our minimum recruitment level), because I would NEVER do that.

Report to me or to any officer on duty if someone approach you and making these kinds of false claims.

Thanks Wutzgood and Captainwink for standing up for my character integrity when this incident happened. :)

11-29-2014, 05:17 PM
I did it, lvl 40,Boom!

11-30-2014, 03:49 AM
Gratz, Boom!!!! Great job!!!! ^_^

I did it, lvl 40,Boom!

12-01-2014, 10:35 PM
Bookmark this page for teasers of the upcoming Winter event. So excited!


12-01-2014, 11:59 PM
Hey guys just joined the guild and happy to be here!

12-02-2014, 12:18 AM
Hey guys just joined the guild and happy to be here!

Glad to have you. Hope you find a home and family here.

12-02-2014, 03:18 AM
Welcome! :) thank u for joined -_^

12-02-2014, 06:09 PM
Hahaha they forced changed my name to Mrbritches

12-03-2014, 03:45 AM
The test server for Winter event is live now. Check out this link for info:


1. You can only play your chars on test server if you log on using email or facebook account registered with Spacetime Studios. If you use Google+ to login you can still go on the test server but have to create new character.

2. You can't transfer items from test server to game server and vice versa.

If you have played on the test server, don't forget to share your experience and insights here or on guild facebook page. (http://tinyurl.com/TKguildAL)

12-03-2014, 05:18 AM
Hey guys just joined the guild and happy to be here!


12-03-2014, 08:43 AM
Hello :) Today i want to show u my travaling in testing server winter event!
2 times i got tarlok boss (tanks will be hate this event lol) if u see red zone - run! lol
And 1 time got boss(dont remember name) look like alargan, will be pull u to him and kill in 1 hit

Here u can see what u can buy with points:

P.S. save ankh and 10 plats for amulet(it is very will help u!)

12-03-2014, 09:10 AM
Hello :) Today i want to show u my travaling in testing server winter event!
2 times i got tarlok boss (tanks will be hate this event lol) if u see red zone - run! lol
And 1 time got boss(dont remember name) look like alargan, will be pull u to him and kill in 1 hit

Here u can see what u can buy with points:

P.S. save ankh and 10 plats for amulet(it is very will help u!)

Awesome! Can't wait :D
I used a lot of ankhs in Planar Tombs, but I still have some ;)

12-03-2014, 09:28 AM
Awesome! Can't wait :D
I used a lot of ankhs in Planar Tombs, but I still have some ;)

more ankh will be need for tanks lol, i used bec was lazy to run from start 3 times

Awesome signature!

12-03-2014, 09:30 AM
more ankh will be need for tanks lol, i used bec was lazy to run from start 3 times

Awesome signature!


Thank youuu, made it waiting for dinner xD

12-03-2014, 09:51 AM

Thank youuu, made it waiting for dinner xD

Beautiful sig, Kana! So glam!!!

12-03-2014, 12:23 PM
Beautiful sig, Kana! So glam!!!

Lol ty! i re-did it to have our symbol :) I like this one better ^_^
Im waiting to see more information about winter event. I'm curious on the vanities.
I don't expect the gears and other items to change..butttt I'd like the vanities to be different. ^_^
I was pleased with the Halloween ones.

Exciteddddd! Can't wait for event and to hear what everyone will call out in gc this time
2 slot Tarlok 40+ or 2 slot Syrillax 40+ ...that's kind of a long one lol.

Anyways, I made memes for the AL meme forums xD teehee


Love memes, especially AL ones crack me up
Have a good dayyyy TK!

12-03-2014, 02:09 PM
XD haha truely pic lol thank u for it :D

12-03-2014, 02:12 PM

Love memes, especially AL ones crack me up
Have a good dayyyy TK!


12-03-2014, 03:05 PM
Dang I'll struggle to get even my 3 primary chars (41's) to maximize energy usage in Winter event... New job is tough on me :upset:

P.S. save ankh and 10 plats for amulet(it is very will help u!)

Amulet? Is it similar item to Necro-nom-nomicon in Halloween event?

12-03-2014, 07:12 PM
Dang I'll struggle to get even my 3 primary chars (41's) to maximize energy usage in Winter event... New job is tough on me :upset:

Amulet? Is it similar item to Necro-nom-nomicon in Halloween event?

Aww, well we will be here when you have time and need pt ;)
My guess is the amulet is like the necro-nom. Since it cost 10 plat and helped.

12-03-2014, 08:11 PM
Amulet? Is it similar item to Necro-nom-nomicon in Halloween event?

Yea it's called Orb of Ursume. Gives 50% more crit and damage on event map. Rumor is that event will be a month long. If it's true I hope you will be able to at least play your mains, Vig.

12-04-2014, 05:56 AM
Orb of Ursume. Gives 50% more crit and damage on event map. Rumor is that event will be a month long. If it's true I hope you will be able to at least play your mains, Vig.

My bad. The orb gives 50% more damage and lowers boss crit by 6% on event map.

And it's confirmed, the event will be a month long. Hope to see you running with us, Vig. :)

12-04-2014, 06:28 AM
Hello Knights;

I have been playing the Winter Event test server. Based on what I saw on the test server, these are some of things that we can do to prepare for the event:

1. LEVEL UP. If you are under level 40, level up to that level or more as soon as possible. This way it will be easier for you to get party for event since many of the most active and helpful guildies--including all the officers--are level 40+.

2. STOCK UP ON ANKHS. Event map (Syrillax Lair) is long. If you die at boss and revive at start it will take some time for you to get back. Get ankhs ready so you can revive on the spot and continue fighting. Save some ankhs from those you get from Klaas/Shazbot or buy ankh kits.

3. GET SPEED PET. Event map is long and bosses like Syrillax Guardians and Tarlok have huge AoE for their windup attack (red zone around them when they get ready for their biggest attack). Syrillax the dragon pulls you in like Alargan in Magma Corridor. To cover the map fast, dodge the red zone or escape Syrillax pull you need a speed pet. Get one that can help your stats as well. Slag, Grimm, Abaddon, Gyrm, McCraw (for rogue), Shiloh (for warrior), Kettle (hit the arcane ability when you need nitro speed boost), or Jack (may have to wait for the speed boost from arcane ability to happen) are some pets you may want to get or level up for the event.

4. GET STUN PET. Especially for warrior, get a Kelvin or George pet. Use its arcane ability when boss has the big red zone around it, ready for their biggest, deadliest attack. This may save you and your party members. Kelvin can be farmed from Frostr in Oltgar Keep and George you may get from completing Monkey Ball daily from Gypsy Rose.

5. FARM LOCKEDS. Run Kraken Mines with guildies to farm lockeds. You can save these to sell at higher price at event or use them to craft Grand Ursume Lockeds using the recipe you can buy with event tokens.

6. BUY INVENTORY SLOTS. You will have to do a lot of essence farming runs to collect ingredients for crafting event energy, lockeds and gems. Increase your inventory and stash by buying slots using story tokens.

7. If you can, try to get 10 plat from offers or by buying. Use this to buy Orb of Ursume at the start of event map. The orb gives you 50% more damage on event map and lowers boss crit by 6%. Since the Winter event will run for a month, it makes sense to have the orb because you will be running a lot of event maps. If you have several chars under the same account, you can also stash the orb and have all your toons use it. You will especially need it with the higher tier bosses. If you do not have the plat to get the orb, try buying it from the crafting section in cs/auction.

The way the event turns up may be different from how it is currently showing on test server. But for now I think these steps will help us get better prepared to get the most out of the Winter event once it is underway.

12-04-2014, 09:26 AM
Thanks to Jesstter and Irfrosty for helping complete Planar Tomb 2

Even though I looted greenies it was fun! Thanks for riding it through to the end!


12-04-2014, 09:37 AM
Who made this banner it's awesome I can use one too :-)

12-04-2014, 12:19 PM
Thanks to Jesstter and Irfrosty for helping complete Planar Tomb 2

Even though I looted greenies it was fun! Thanks for riding it through to the end!


Gratz Kana with lv 2!

Lol truely story how long u can run this planar tombs XD

12-04-2014, 07:06 PM
Who made this banner it's awesome I can use one too :-)

On it :) Ill make new ones xD

12-05-2014, 08:18 AM
Kana, Dok wanted say that now u need to do so cool signatures for all us :D

12-05-2014, 09:00 AM
Kana, Dok wanted say that now u need to do so cool signatures for all us :D
Lol! Already on it xD i made his and one for you too! But i have ocd with it, lol. I fiddle to much so i may change them before i send them to yall n,n hehe

12-05-2014, 09:24 AM
Kana, Dok wanted say that now u need to do so cool signatures for all us :D

I use my tablet for editing so im kind of limited, but i just remembered i can use my laptop lol. So if anyone wants one let me know. I know they aren't the best but practice makes perfect and editing is a hobby of mine. :)

12-05-2014, 09:40 AM
Thank u Kana ^_^

12-05-2014, 09:48 AM
Thank u Kana ^_^

You're welcome ;)

12-05-2014, 07:09 PM
I use my tablet for editing so im kind of limited, but i just remembered i can use my laptop lol. So if anyone wants one let me know. I know they aren't the best but practice makes perfect and editing is a hobby of mine. :)

Are you kidding me? Your sig-work are gorgeous! Thanks for offering to make one for your brother/sister officers. :)

12-05-2014, 10:08 PM
Knights, if you have read the latest update on the Winter event you will know that on reaching platinum tier (around 5600 points) you will get an Enchanted Eye of Syrillax. This is a gem that on level 41 gear will give +3 each of STR, DEX and INT and 2.14 crit. You also get a recipe to craft the gem and one of the ingredients for the gem are 10 each of blood, fire and glacial gems.

You know what this means. If you have gems you bought cheap, check auction to gauge the profit you may gain from selling them. Also keep running maps to collect essences (and dragkin teeth and lockeds and Kelvin egg and Planar fragments, etc) and keep your crafting slots busy making gems.

Happy hunting!

12-06-2014, 02:18 AM
Knights, if you have read the latest update on the Winter event you will know that on reaching platinum tier (around 5600 points) you will get an Enchanted Eye of Syrillax. This is a gem that on level 41 gear will give +3 eachh of STR, DEX and INT and 2.14 crit. You also get a recipe to craft the gem and one of the ingredients for the gem are 10 each of blood, fire and glacial gems.

You know what this means. If you have gems you bought cheap, check auction to gauge the profit you may gain from selling them. Also keep running maps to collect essences (and dragkin teeth and lockeds and Kelvin egg and Planar fragments, etc) and keep your crafting slots busy making gems.

Happy hunting!

Okey, thank u hanna!

12-06-2014, 04:26 AM
Happy Birthday Kite! ^_^

We wish you a long and amazing life. We wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, We wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day!


12-06-2014, 05:45 AM
Thank you guys so much. This really made me smile,when I saw all of you gathered together to wish me a happy birthday. I love you guys so much.

12-06-2014, 08:24 AM
Aww, wish I was in that pic. Gratz again Kitesic :biggrin:

12-06-2014, 08:53 AM
OMG Aza! Thats a beautiful sig. Thanks talented Kanakitty for making one for Aza!

12-08-2014, 01:54 PM
Who made this banner it's awesome I can use one too :-)

Hey Dok i made one for you..

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10460121_756318911127910_5663512859347005900_n.jpg ?oh=f2bde59ad09e5eeb7d6ca934c33897dc&oe=55011CAE&__gda__=1426186774_a0c5722fcb1758e746e3dc954a27d88 4

I know you'll like it so much that you'll never change it! ;);)

12-08-2014, 07:27 PM
Hey Dok i made one for you..

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-ma.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10460121_756318911127910_5663512859347005900_n.jpg ?oh=f2bde59ad09e5eeb7d6ca934c33897dc&oe=55011CAE&__gda__=1426186774_a0c5722fcb1758e746e3dc954a27d88 4

I know you'll like it so much that you'll never change it! ;);)

I love how you incorporate TK shield into the sig! I love it. :)

12-08-2014, 07:31 PM
Hey Dok i made one for you..

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10460121_756318911127910_5663512859347005900_n.jpg ?oh=f2bde59ad09e5eeb7d6ca934c33897dc&oe=55011CAE&__gda__=1426186774_a0c5722fcb1758e746e3dc954a27d88 4

I know you'll like it so much that you'll never change it! ;);)

Are you sure it's not Trinity Knightz?

12-08-2014, 11:22 PM
Hey Dok i made one for you..

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10460121_756318911127910_5663512859347005900_n.jpg ?oh=f2bde59ad09e5eeb7d6ca934c33897dc&oe=55011CAE&__gda__=1426186774_a0c5722fcb1758e746e3dc954a27d88 4

I know you'll like it so much that you'll never change it! ;);)

Yyyyy so cute :3 and awesome ^_^

12-09-2014, 09:20 PM
Thanks to Jesstter and Irfrosty for helping complete Planar Tomb 2

Even though I looted greenies it was fun! Thanks for riding it through to the end!


I almost died reading that [emoji24][emoji23]

12-09-2014, 11:02 PM
Messed up...

12-10-2014, 10:17 AM
The Frozen Frontline winter event is fully underway. Unfortunately real life commitments make it impossible for me to take part fully in these early days, but I am very happy to see so many of you active and working side by side destroying the armies of Syrillax. Very proud of you, knights!


1. When you are on silver/gold tier, try party up pre-bronze/bronze tier guildies to help them get better chance at fighting higher tier bosses that give more points and drop more tokens;

2. Buy recipes first before vanities/pets, so you can make use of the essences you loot;

3. For level 41s, don't forget to take time to do the Planar Tomb daily and keep hunting for dragkin teeth.

Good luck on the frozen terrain, knights! See you in game.

12-14-2014, 05:17 AM
A week into the event and Trinity Knights representatives on leaderboard are still going strong. Please continue to support them by joining or inviting them to your party, fight well ad quickly so they (and you) can move to the next event map fast, and cheer them on gc and pm. :)

Thanks Kana, Frosty and Spinz. Best wishes and good luck with leaderboard!


12-14-2014, 11:30 AM
A week into the event and Trinity Knights representatives on leaderboard are still going strong. Please continue to support them by joining or inviting them to your party, fight well ad quickly so they (and you) can move to the next event map fast, and cheer them on gc and pm. :)

Thanks Kana, Frosty and Spinz. Best wishes and good luck with leaderboard!


Looking good! Hope it keeps looking as good, or better, at the end of event! Well done so far!

12-14-2014, 05:45 PM
Any rouge interested in new mythic frost touched bow, pm me in game. Got 1 in a lock. Save u some on a nice dps weapon

12-14-2014, 11:46 PM
Any rouge interested in new mythic frost touched bow, pm me in game. Got 1 in a lock. Save u some on a nice dps weapon

very intresting.... but without money it can be intresting more lol

12-14-2014, 11:47 PM
A week into the event and Trinity Knights representatives on leaderboard are still going strong. Please continue to support them by joining or inviting them to your party, fight well ad quickly so they (and you) can move to the next event map fast, and cheer them on gc and pm. :)

Thanks Kana, Frosty and Spinz. Best wishes and good luck with leaderboard!


Go Go Go Kana, Irf and Spin!!! u can :) Good luck u!

12-15-2014, 12:25 PM
Any rouge interested in new mythic frost touched bow, pm me in game. Got 1 in a lock. Save u some on a nice dps weapon

Gratz, Jess! Another awesome find!

12-15-2014, 12:36 PM
Life is all about choices.

Think carefully before you decide, or you might end up getting nowhere.

12-17-2014, 11:27 PM
Gratz our new officer!!! Welcome to officers team Killer -_^


12-18-2014, 02:24 PM
Gratz our new officer!!! Welcome to officers team Killer -_^


Well deserved. Gratz Killer!

12-19-2014, 03:06 PM

Found a weird phenomenon where instead of a set of three Syrillax guardians, we found six. The second set remained rooted and couldn't be aggroed. As you can see, we have beaten the boss, and an exit portal had opened. But the second set of guardians are still there.

12-20-2014, 12:59 PM
Hey tk, just wanted to take a few min and expand a bit on horsemans build guide. Granted im still a bit new to al, but numbers and math are a hobby of mine, and I love figuring things out.
Mainly this build is for tanking in a pt. The more I play, the more I realize how much I love looking after a pt. Gives me a sense of pride being the protector of all u squishy rogues and mages, lol.
The first bit ill share is how to define a tanks role in pt. Tanks are there to control mobs, take hits, and heal your pt members. In my opinion, going for major dps as a tank is a mistake. We arent really there to kill, leave that to the rouges and sorcerers. We keep them grouped up, so the damage members can pick off at a distance, so to me high hp and armor is a must have. Cause if the tank dies, the pt is in jeopardy, especially in a rough mob. First ill give my skills, then explain why........

Horn of renew 5/5
Vengeful blood 5/5
Windmill 5/5
Skyward smash 5/5

Passives: max to 5 on the following
Durable, might, damage and knowledge

This differs from previous guide, and heres why.... your most valuable tool as a tank is your horn of renew. It not only taunts, it heals u and ur pt. Use this often. Vengeful blood is a short term stat boost, including mana regen, which ill explain in a sec, also is a taunt skill. Windmill is taunt and damage, prob second most valued skill, and sky smash allows u to line up enemies from a distance. Plus its fun to fly down on a baddies head, lol.
As for passives, I know this is debatable. But, u def need durable. Armor is key to keeping yourself alive. Damage suppliments your hit power, so u can do some damage while holding aggro. Might is your main stat, and should b self explainatory. And finally knowledge, which is int, which helps with mana. I find that this helps keep u from having to spam mana pots. Which are expensive. U def dont wanna run out of mana in a clutch situation, hence why I spent the points here.
The next point is gear. Currently mythic lvl 36 is best all around gear, good damage, hp and armor. Investing in a full set, then completing upgrade quest is totally worth it. However, with release of icescale, investing in a full icescale of assault set is a great idea. Best armor stats ive seen. And as stated above, armor=stay alive. Id reccomend getting this set now, while event is running, and market is flooded. Keeps prices down.
So now u have 2 sets of gear, when do u switch? Easy, in a high dps party, u should go icescale. Armor is king, in a pt with dps a lil lower or in a tank heavy pt, swap for mythic. Or whatever set u had b4. Druid or necro. Your added damage will help bring down baddies faster.
My last bit in this novel is about pets. U can tweak your stats situationally with diff pets. For example, frist has armor boost, which makes him a great pet to use with icescale set. Abaddon is even better. At lvl 41 with abaddon, my armor is over 2500. Frist just below in the 2400s. With your damage gear set, use pets that boost main stat, or damage. Yowie is a great option, and is free for reaching gold tier in event. Others include, dovabear, blinky, and even prance. Just see how stats look with each, and give them a go.
ty, for reading the book here, I truly hope it helps all u warriors out there looking to tank elite maps in partys. As always feedback is welcome, even if u tell me im wrong. Haha. Happy hunting tk

12-20-2014, 01:05 PM
Oh wow, I totally forgot weapons, real quicly. I prefer weapons with shield, this should boost armor as well. Look for conq of pot, pavise of will, and save those pennies, bullwark is a awesome tank weapon. If u would like to have a dps weapon to go with your damage set, id reccomend planar club of assault, fortified glave, and of course arcane maul. These are great weapons, but not necessarily great in a pt, but still totally useable. Ty again tk.

12-20-2014, 01:59 PM
Hey tk, just wanted to take a few min and expand a bit on horsemans build guide. Granted im still a bit new to al, but numbers and math are a hobby of mine, and I love figuring things out.
Mainly this build is for tanking in a pt. The more I play, the more I realize how much I love looking after a pt. Gives me a sense of pride being the protector of all u squishy rogues and mages, lol.
The first bit ill share is how to define a tanks role in pt. Tanks are there to control mobs, take hits, and heal your pt members. In my opinion, going for major dps as a tank is a mistake. We arent really there to kill, leave that to the rouges and sorcerers. We keep them grouped up, so the damage members can pick off at a distance, so to me high hp and armor is a must have. Cause if the tank dies, the pt is in jeopardy, especially in a rough mob. First ill give my skills, then explain why........

Horn of renew 5/5
Vengeful blood 5/5
Windmill 5/5
Skyward smash 5/5

Passives: max to 5 on the following
Durable, might, damage and knowledge

This differs from previous guide, and heres why.... your most valuable tool as a tank is your horn of renew. It not only taunts, it heals u and ur pt. Use this often. Vengeful blood is a short term stat boost, including mana regen, which ill explain in a sec, also is a taunt skill. Windmill is taunt and damage, prob second most valued skill, and sky smash allows u to line up enemies from a distance. Plus its fun to fly down on a baddies head, lol.
As for passives, I know this is debatable. But, u def need durable. Armor is key to keeping yourself alive. Damage suppliments your hit power, so u can do some damage while holding aggro. Might is your main stat, and should b self explainatory. And finally knowledge, which is int, which helps with mana. I find that this helps keep u from having to spam mana pots. Which are expensive. U def dont wanna run out of mana in a clutch situation, hence why I spent the points here.
The next point is gear. Currently mythic lvl 36 is best all around gear, good damage, hp and armor. Investing in a full set, then completing upgrade quest is totally worth it. However, with release of icescale, investing in a full icescale of assault set is a great idea. Best armor stats ive seen. And as stated above, armor=stay alive. Id reccomend getting this set now, while event is running, and market is flooded. Keeps prices down.
So now u have 2 sets of gear, when do u switch? Easy, in a high dps party, u should go icescale. Armor is king, in a pt with dps a lil lower or in a tank heavy pt, swap for mythic. Or whatever set u had b4. Druid or necro. Your added damage will help bring down baddies faster.
My last bit in this novel is about pets. U can tweak your stats situationally with diff pets. For example, frist has armor boost, which makes him a great pet to use with icescale set. Abaddon is even better. At lvl 41 with abaddon, my armor is over 2500. Frist just below in the 2400s. With your damage gear set, use pets that boost main stat, or damage. Yowie is a great option, and is free for reaching gold tier in event. Others include, dovabear, blinky, and even prance. Just see how stats look with each, and give them a go.
ty, for reading the book here, I truly hope it helps all u warriors out there looking to tank elite maps in partys. As always feedback is welcome, even if u tell me im wrong. Haha. Happy hunting tk

Thank you for taking time to provide us with this information. ^_^

12-20-2014, 02:28 PM
Thanks Jess for useful info, good job :)

12-20-2014, 09:56 PM
A quick ammendment to above build, and ty hanna for bringing it to my attention. If u plan to use a pet with damage as a boost, then using points on damage passive skill becomes a waste. Damage pets dont stack with passive skill, so points are better used on dex passive.
Ty again hanna, learned something today :)

12-22-2014, 01:34 PM
Yay, thank you, Jess for startjng the first build discussion on TK thread! Hope mages and rogues will step up soon and share their opinions as well so we can have more discussions on this interesting topic.

I agree with the general thrust of your post, Jess. However there are a few things I'd like to point out. My comments below in bold:

The more I play, the more I realize how much I love looking after a pt. Gives me a sense of pride being the protector of all u squishy rogues and mages, lol.

Ikr. My chief pride as warrior is keeping my pt mates alive in tricky situations. When the rogues in pt said "Good save" while we fight elite Alargan I was in cloud nine. :)

The first bit ill share is how to define a tanks role in pt. Tanks are there to control mobs, take hits, and heal your pt members.

I agree with the last two points. But mob control IMO is more a sorcerer's role. Their skills allow them to stun and freeze mobs as well as dealing AoE damage that speeds up mob kill. A warrior's role is to keep the mobs from turning to attack the mage and rogue in pt, and this is done by taunting to keep enemy grouped around the warrior. One of the surest taunting skills is HoR. That's why as a warrior I share your opinion in that I don't see heal chiefly as a support skill, but a tactical one as well. Timed well, it not only heals, but keeps enemy attention focused on warrior. I'll expand on that later.

First ill give my skills, then explain why........

Horn of renew 5/5
Vengeful blood 5/5
Windmill 5/5
Skyward smash 5/5

Passives: max to 5 on the following
Durable, might, damage and knowledge

your most valuable tool as a tank is your horn of renew. It not only taunts, it heals u and ur pt. Use this often.

In some situations it's better not to spam HoR and save it for tricky moments. When you see mobs/boss starting to chase after squishies, after a mage clock expires and mobs start to run free again, and in cases like when your pt mate is pulled by Syrillax and the shield is crucial for their survival. You don't want to end up having HoR on cooldown when you need it.

Vengeful blood is a short term stat boost, including mana regen, which ill explain in a sec, also is a taunt skill.

VB doesn't taunt tho.

sky smash allows u to line up enemies from a distance. Plus its fun to fly down on a baddies head, lol.

Don't forget that skysmash can stun mobs. Stun is always nice. :)

Damage suppliments your hit power, so u can do some damage while holding aggro.

We've already talked about this in game. Some of the new pets that are good for warriors like Blinky, Yowie, Dovabear, as well as some old standbys like Abaddon have higher dmg% boost than that provided by Damage passive and hence will override the passive.

I agree with basically everything you mentioned about gear and pet. But I'd like to explain here why I used the six skills build recommended by Warhorseman (and btw the build he recommended (http://tinyurl.com/TKeliteguide) is the basic one for elite tanking. Experience and more knowledge about what each skill contributes in combat may lead you to reconsider and experiment. I know for a fact War experiments with skills all the time. Bottom line is you need to understand what the skills and passives are for and use them judiciously, always keeping in mind your role as protector of squishies lol.)

Your build was the one I used until level 36, though I only put 4/5 on SS and WM. I used that build to tank elite maps all the way to Nordr and Shuyal 1. Expansion came just as I was trying to get the rest of elite Shuyal and I couldn't continue because the elite was closed for a few weeks for adjustment.

After a lot of discussion and experimentation and free respec weekend at lvl 41 I decided to adopt the build War recommended. The six skills (SS, WM, Chest Splitter, VB, Juggernaut and HoR) make for greater flexibility and adaptability in different situations. By taking CS and Jugg I also added two more taunt skills to my arsenal, making it easier to keep mob/boss attention focused on me. Jugg also has an upgrade that makes me immune to movement impairment and I find this great especially in Tindirin where they have the green giant that stuns.

So now these are skill sets I use:
Solo normal map (including WT): VB SS WM Jugg/HoR
Tanking normal map mobs in pt(including event): VB SS WM HoR
Tanking elite map mobs in pt: Jugg SS WM HoR
Tanking bosses in pt: Jugg CS (uncharged and timed well it can make boss Feeble and unable to crit) WM HoR (as you can see, all of these are taunt skills).

12-22-2014, 05:39 PM

And then you wonder how this rogue had died. His (or her?) body reduced to mere skeletons (although somehow the bow remained intact). You wondered how s/he got onto that vantage point, was spotted, and blasted to death.

12-23-2014, 04:59 AM

And then you wonder how this rogue had died. His (or her?) body reduced to mere skeletons (although somehow the bow remained intact). You wondered how s/he got onto that vantage point, was spotted, and blasted to death.
Thats for sure a her becuase there is another skelton with spear and shiled.and there is a boat full with bones what i belive is..there was an army went to fight the dragons but they got burnd by tarloks fire and they left and throw all over the place wich explains that spot.

12-23-2014, 08:16 AM
Thats for sure a her...

Well, assuming Arlorian anatomy is like ours (Warrior definitely isn't built like us) the pelvic bones look like they belong to a woman.

12-23-2014, 08:23 AM
Killerxyler said Paradise Piers were deserted. So we came down and had a small party.

12-24-2014, 04:37 AM
:love_heart: Merry Xmas TK! :love_heart:

*Goes back to farming event* :playful:

12-24-2014, 04:51 AM

I hope wherever you are you will have a wonderful, happy time surrounded by all your loved ones, great food, amazing presents and lovely memories.

12-24-2014, 11:06 AM
Merry Christmas to you all. May you have a great time with family in the cold winter :)

12-24-2014, 11:20 AM
Merry Christmas TK ^_^ wish u a magical and happy holidays!!!

12-28-2014, 06:56 AM
The secret is out on how to break into leaderboard!

Divide and conquer!


2x Jesstter in the party.

Or maybe it was just Creepycasey DC'ing and caused this bug..... :wink::wink:

12-31-2014, 04:35 AM
Happy New Year TK! :love_heart:

12-31-2014, 06:43 AM
The secret is out on how to break into leaderboard!

Divide and conquer!


2x Jesstter in the party.

Or maybe it was just Creepycasey DC'ing and caused this bug..... :wink::wink:


12-31-2014, 06:46 AM

2014 has been a year of ups and downs for me, both in real life and in game. Trinity Knights, too, have seen their share of good and bad throughout this year. Some of us had a new baby, got engaged, lost a job, got hired, lost someone they loved, moved house, etc. As a guild we have lost a gm, gained a new one, lost some officers, gained more, has to let go of members, and recruited better ones, dropped on leaderboard, and climbed back up.

2014 certainly was a very eventful year. Thank you so much, knights, for sharing it with me in this guild, our family.

May we all be a better person in 2015, happier, kinder and wiser.

Happy New Year to you all! Hope you have a lovely time with all your closest and dearest!

12-31-2014, 07:06 AM
Happy New Year ,knights [emoji4]

12-31-2014, 12:15 PM
Have an awesome new year Trinity Knights! ;) :D :)

01-01-2015, 10:43 PM
Happy new year dear fellow knights!!!! :smile:

01-02-2015, 04:25 AM
Popping in to say hello :)

01-02-2015, 12:49 PM

Did all those event runs cost you so much that you are having trouble affording potions now? :playful::playful:

01-04-2015, 03:56 AM
*fingers crossed* sig testing

01-04-2015, 11:07 AM
*fingers crossed* sig testing

Looks like Shadow Fiend from DotA? Even if not, it's a nice pic. :encouragement:

01-04-2015, 11:15 AM
Looks like Shadow Fiend from DotA? Even if not, it's a nice pic. :encouragement:
It's shadow fiends's shadow demon arcane :D,ty

01-05-2015, 02:40 AM

The Frozen Frontlines winter event will be over in two days time. So what to do in these two last days of event?

1. If you have reached platinum tier, keep essence farming but with heavier emphasize on tarlok gem and Ursume locked crafting. If previously you craft three energy and two gems, for example, start crafting three to four gems and only one or two energy.

2. If you have not reached platinum tier politely ask to party with platinum tier runner and stay in party with them. Most officers are platinum tier and if you ask nicely can help you do several runs. BUT don't jump from party to party just to get high tier bosses. Noone likes to be manipulated.

3. Buy winter event gear while they are cheap. Buy icescales armor and helmet sets and gem them. These sets can help level 41s in elite planar tomb and arena with good damage and strong armor.

01-05-2015, 04:43 AM
Did all those event runs cost you so much that you are having trouble affording potions now? :playful::playful:

Lmao, that wasn't supposed to be the focus of the picture. :rolleyes: ...but yes, lol.

01-05-2015, 05:33 PM

Solo Syrillax kill. On warrior. :)

Icescales assault armor (+6) and helmet (+6), elon ring (+6), eerie potency amulet (+6) and planar club of will (+6). Orb of Usurme, lvl 40 Ribbit and about 120 each of mana and hp pots. Took about 25 minutes.

01-05-2015, 05:55 PM
Hanna i blame u for this.lol

01-05-2015, 05:56 PM

Solo Syrillax kill. On warrior. :)

Icescales assault armor (+6) and helmet (+6), elon ring (+6), eerie potency amulet (+6) and planar club of will (+6). Orb of Usurme, lvl 40 Ribbit and about 120 each of mana and hp pots. Took about 25 minutes.
So cool! I see some1 becoming an imba warrior :P

01-05-2015, 07:48 PM
Hanna i blame u for this.lol

What? What did I do? Yell too loud? LOL

01-06-2015, 03:10 AM
What? What did I do? Yell too loud? LOL
XD yea ,u know these years tech not like before gotta be gentle with it(wich im not at all).but ur pet also made me panic he thout im with the mages in planar tombs :/ anyways it's the 6th headset a row getting genius!

01-06-2015, 08:15 AM

Solo Syrillax kill. On warrior. :)

Icescales assault armor (+6) and helmet (+6), elon ring (+6), eerie potency amulet (+6) and planar club of will (+6). Orb of Usurme, lvl 40 Ribbit and about 120 each of mana and hp pots. Took about 25 minutes.


01-06-2015, 03:21 PM
Winter event end! Gratz all! And grtaz Irf, Kana, Spin and Jess with new vanitys!! Grtaz Bryce with lb place :) great job -_^

01-06-2015, 09:29 PM
The Frozen Frontlines winter event is ending. While you temporarily can still craft event items and use your tokens to buy things in Balmy Bay, access to Syrillax Lair aka event map is now closed.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Kanaomi, Irfrosty, Spinz and Jesstter for making a splendid showing on the event leaderboard. It took an enormous amount of resources, effort, stamina, and perseverance to not only fight for the top echelons but stay there for a whole month. I applaud their determination and am very proud to see Trinity Knights represented on the event leaderboard.






I also would like to thank all of the knights who have worked together and helped each other throughout the event. For answering questions like "What do I use icescales for?" or "When does event end?" on guild chat over and over. For starting event party or essence runs instead of just waiting for open slots. For diligently coming online to play every day during the event. For the warm Christmas and New Year's Eve atmosphere on guild chat.


I hope the activity and teamwork we saw during the event will continue, becoming stronger and more solid.

While the bells and mistletoe are still decorating Arlor, why not snap a screenshot or two of you, your winter vanity, pet and banner, and post here or on the guild's facebook page. Looking forward to your winter memento!

01-07-2015, 03:45 AM
Congratz kanaomo,irfrosty,spinz and jesstter! Amazing work

01-07-2015, 06:46 AM

If u ever wondered where the winter will go after it leave arlor,the answer is here. This country was normal 10min ago now frozen :/ lol

01-08-2015, 04:09 AM

If u ever wondered where the winter will go after it leave arlor,the answer is here. This country was normal 10min ago now frozen :/ lol

So nice, gratz with snow :3 in my city -30 now lol

01-08-2015, 07:36 AM
thanks its was hard work but worth the hustle

Spinzing out

01-08-2015, 07:37 AM
nice photo of me tho...you captured my beautiful side

01-08-2015, 10:25 AM
So nice, gratz with snow :3 in my city -30 now lol
Lol aza its -5 here and i cant leave the heater! Im not used to cold at all >.< this snow came from russia btw why u didnt visit me yet? :o

01-08-2015, 07:23 PM

If u ever wondered where the winter will go after it leave arlor,the answer is here. This country was normal 10min ago now frozen :/ lol

You call that snow...ha...that's a mere dusting... Lol :)

01-09-2015, 03:15 AM
Lol aza its -5 here and i cant leave the heater! Im not used to cold at all >.< this snow came from russia btw why u didnt visit me yet? :o
Happy that u liked our russian presents :) why u didnt come to me too?

01-09-2015, 04:18 AM
Happy that u liked our russian presents :) why u didnt come to me too?
I cant entre,no visa lol

01-09-2015, 04:19 AM
You call that snow...ha...that's a mere dusting... Lol :)
Each time i want to take a pic it either melt or im busy lol i'll try to take another ss xD

01-09-2015, 03:57 PM
Some pics in Balmy Bay minutes before it was closed.


We invaded Stronghold to take pics with the Christmas decorations.




Soon you're gonna melt, mister.

01-09-2015, 04:02 PM
Some pics in Balmy Bay minutes before it was closed.


We invaded Stronghold to take pics with the Christmas decorations.



Soon you're gonna melt, mister.
Nice pics!! I do wonder why on the 2nd pic i only got "derrr" coming out of my name hmm i blame game. Lol

01-09-2015, 10:00 PM
Nice pics!! I do wonder why on the 2nd pic i only got "derrr" coming out of my name hmm i blame game. Lol

I blame photobombers. I had to do max zoom or you would have been completely blocked by a guy with entombed hammer. :)

01-10-2015, 03:28 AM
I blame photobombers. I had to do max zoom or you would have been completely blocked by a guy with entombed hammer. :)
Thanks! Anything but getting blockdd by old season items..hehe

01-10-2015, 04:17 PM
Very nice pic ^_^

01-12-2015, 12:23 PM
Hi fellow knights,
So I have a question about gear for my warrior, I apologize in advance for my noob question. :)
I am newly capped and so I was outfitting my self with lvl 41 gear. I had heard the new ice scale armor was good so before reading much more I went ahead and pick up a set of ice scale of fitness, from what I could tell in CS this gave me, what I thought, was the best stats. But now I see and read people saying to get the ice scale of assault.
My question is why assault over fitness? From what I can tell assault does give a little more in damage and dps but a little less in armor. What am I missing, what do I have wrong? or is that most people just want that little more boost in damage?
Thank you in advance for replies and advice!

- Boom

01-12-2015, 11:29 PM
Hi fellow knights, k
So I have a question about gear for my warrior, I apologize in advance for my noob question. :)
I am newly capped and so I was outfitting my self with lvl 41 gear. I had heard the new ice scale armor was good so before reading much more I went ahead and pick up a set of ice scale of fitness, from what I could tell in CS this gave me, what I thought, was the best stats. But now I see and read people saying to get the ice scale of assault.
My question is why assault over fitness? From what I can tell assault does give a little more in damage and dps but a little less in armor. What am I missing, what do I have wrong? or is that most people just want that little more boost in damage?
Thank you in advance for replies and advice!

- Boom

Hello Boom :) have a question it normal, it is Okey :) assult give u more damage and health but less armor then fitness. For tank all time the best will be assult, but if u have fitness, I think it is good too :)

01-13-2015, 03:50 AM
Hi fellow knights,
So I have a question about gear for my warrior, I apologize in advance for my noob question. :)
I am newly capped and so I was outfitting my self with lvl 41 gear. I had heard the new ice scale armor was good so before reading much more I went ahead and pick up a set of ice scale of fitness, from what I could tell in CS this gave me, what I thought, was the best stats. But now I see and read people saying to get the ice scale of assault.
My question is why assault over fitness? From what I can tell assault does give a little more in damage and dps but a little less in armor. What am I missing, what do I have wrong? or is that most people just want that little more boost in damage?
Thank you in advance for replies and advice!

- Boom
Hey boom

There isnt wrong and correct in gears you just pick what u think u need for the fitness and assualt is a matter of warriors want more dps and dmg so they pick assualt with assualt weapon try to super gem it so they have both hp from fitness and dps from assualt and if they had lack in armor they buy high armor jewerly so they full. For me i go fitness and will becuase my skill build is pure tanking build(keep aggro) i do need the hp and armor more than dps becuase i dont need to deal dmg, hope i helped u :D

01-13-2015, 09:59 AM
Thank you Aza and Alxe for your responses!

01-13-2015, 09:11 PM
My question is why assault over fitness? From what I can tell assault does give a little more in damage and dps but a little less in armor. What am I missing, what do I have wrong? or is that most people just want that little more boost in damage?
Thank you in advance for replies and advice!

- Boom

The preference for icescales assault comes from, naturally, the need to be able to deliver more damage, given than most warriors have less damage than the dps classes, mage and rogue. By combining the ability to tank (through high armor and hp) and deal damage, a warrior can contribute more in party. Also if you run solo a lot or dabble in pvp, a lot of damage is a definite advantage.

Having said that, however, a lot can be said in favor of icescales fitness, which combines the high hp and some extra dmg from the +10 str bonus of the complete set and a bit more armor compared to the assault version. I myself have both sets on my warrior. I wear the fitness (high armor) set when tanking hard elite maps and bosses (last time I wore it was when helping Sora get Crystal Conqueror by tanking the Ashral Heart). Most of the time during the last winter event I wore the assault version with eerie potency amulet to get as much dmg as possible for speed killing of event bosses and quick wt4 runs.

I would say having both sets or having one set and then combining it with armor-heavy or dmg-heavy amulet/ring give you more flexibility and adaptability in maps with different levels of difficulty, or in a variety of parties (3 dps 1 tank in hard elite, 2 dps 2 tanks in hard elite, 3 dps 1 tank in easy elites, 2 tanks 2 dps in easy elites, then trios, duos, etc). More flexibility opens up more places for you to go to and makes it possible for you to work with all kinds of parties which, as you of course have known, aren't always ideal in composition and strengths (and sadly connectivity lol. Sometimes you just have to be ready to go on when half your pt had dc'd. I remember one time when my warrior finished elite Spyr with just one out of the three rogues I started with).

That being said, though, having two sets of armor-helmet and one each of amulet and ring, IMO, is cheaper than having a single armor-helmet and a variety of amulets and rings to use in different setups for dmg/hp/armor. Good blings are quite expensive lol.

Hope this helps.

01-13-2015, 09:50 PM
Thanks Ilhanna! I will have to look into buying the other set, you make some very good points on why it's good to have both, a high HP set and a high Dmg set! Yes, I am finding out that good bling can be hard to come by and rather expensive (at least for my pocket book lol)! Will just have to keep an eye out.
see ya In Game

01-14-2015, 11:00 PM

Greetings Knights,

I have recently created Trinity Knights group in Line chat app. I made the group so we can continue to communicate even when we cannot meet in game due to time zones or real life commitments.

If you have a Line account and wish to join let me know your Line ID so I can invite you to the group. You can send me a private message here on facebook, in STS forum, or in game.

I hope many of you will be able to join the group. If you don't have it on your phone/tablet/PC, Line app is free to download from App/Play Store.

In future I hope we will be able to use this group to do things that we cannot do easily in game, for example:

1. Sharing information from game or forum so that even when you are off game you can continue to get Arcane Legends updates. For example it's good to be able to quickly know when double chance events happen so you can sell lockeds/gems at better price sooner.

2. Build/skills/gear/pet discussions.

3. Planning achievement point (AP) runs. I know some of you need parties for elite achievement runs but there might not many people on in guild to help. Using the Line group I hope we will be able to schedule runs better with members and officers so you can use your game time for maximum fun and minimum frustration.

4. Planning elite farming runs.

5. Announcement of guild events/contests.

Guild rules against begging, scamming and rude language apply in Trinity Knights Line group as well. Violations in Line group may carry consequences in game (for example removal from guild or demotion).

01-15-2015, 03:46 AM
Oh cool! I wanted to tell u consdring making line group guess ur 1 step ahead :D. My ID:alxelogic

01-20-2015, 08:09 PM
Heads up, knights!

A new guild event is about to roll in starting this Saturday, January 24. To qualify you need to be lvl 40+ and able to take and post screenshoot.

So if you are a few levels shy of 40, time to hustle and get down to some serious leveling.

If you don't know how to take screenshots, check out this guide by EliteFamily on how to take ss:


Start practicing! Take ss and post them here, on our Facebook page (http://tinyurl.com/TKGuildAL) or on our Line chat group (pm me your ID if you wish to join.)

Sharpen your weapons and hone those skills. Stay tuned for more info soon!

01-22-2015, 07:58 AM
I'm on the Line app, add me - Harrytwotter

01-23-2015, 06:16 PM
Look who I found!

We where hanging out, until he said I was weak!
So I knocked him out!

Lol, jk. Seo you're great! Thanks for hanging out with us all!

01-23-2015, 06:21 PM
LOL how can he lie down like that? Ice might melt. But if we can lay on the sand like that...would be nice to take pics of knights sunbathing.

01-23-2015, 07:39 PM
Goodsyntax, one of the most generous souls in game when it comes to sharing knowledge, wrote this comprehensive guide on how rogues, warriors and mages should use their skills to make elite runs safer and faster. Please read, and more importantly, practice. :)

I will also say that knowing how to manage your role in the party is the most important duty.

Rogues: You are around to kill things quickly. Minimize your repositioning, because all that does is shed aggro from the tank as you draw the attention of every mob in a pull.

Kill prioritization is important for the Rogue class - determine which mob is the greatest threat (either based on damage inflicted, or proc [like the snaggletooth AoE freeze, shaman stomp attacks, archers and their high DPS, etc.]), and kill the highest threats first. The spearmen are generally your last priority because the tanks can easily handle the limited damage that they dole out. Rogues should focus on killing one or two mobs at a time - a shotgun/scatter attack approach just makes it more difficult for the tank/sorc to control the mobs and doesn't make the run any faster. Focus all of your attacks on one mob to take them down quickly, and move on to the next target. Finally, keep your crit stack up! Crit kills - so, if you're busy repositioning or avoiding mobs, your crit stack is falling off, and that is a detriment to your party.

Veil - Rogues should be dropping smoke in the mob cluster to assist the tank with the buff/debuff. Don't place veil for yourself only, be mindful that this is a powerful party buff and mob debuff - it is better to place yourself in danger momentarily to buff all members of your party (while debuffing mobs) than it is to buff a single rogue dancing around the periphery. If there is a second veil rogue in your party, rotate smoke placement. Two veils popping up at the same time doesn't stack, so wait until the other rogue's smoke disappears, then pop veil.

Traps - Position the traps intelligently! Don't drop traps near other squishies (rogues/sorcs) because if they pull, you are effectively drawing mobs away from your tank and dropping them into the lap of the party members that cannot control a large group. Drop your traps in corners or choke points near your tank - you will make your tanks job easier and if done correctly and with coordination of your sorcs, is a perfect moment to drop clocks and smoke to root and debuff a large group.

Sorcerers: You are around for crowd control. Your job is to root, freeze and knock down mobs. Yes, I know your class has the highest damage and best DoT in game, but damage and kills are a secondary role for you.

Clock - Use this skill wisely and place it correctly. A clock that drops on one mob isn't helpful. A clock that drops on a huge pack is tremendously helpful! Clocks can also be used as a barrier to give your party a few extra seconds to clean up a previous pull before they have to engage the next group. Do not be afraid to run close to your tank to drop the clock. If the tank is doing his/her job correctly, they are controlling aggro, so the second or two it takes you to place the clock correctly won't be putting you in much danger. Finally, clock is a great skill to use to put up a wall behind you when making a run to the boss - especially for those fast mobs in Tindirin.

Ice - This is the best single target crowd control skill there is. In Tindirin especially, it is important to make sure the Shamans are frozen while your Rogues take them out. I have seen a single stomp from a Shaman wipe the party more than once, so be aware of single target mob control. Similar to Rogues, determine which mobs require the most control and handle that for your party. It is difficult for Rogues to kill quickly when they are getting their faces stomped into the ground by uncontrolled shamans.

Fire - Fire is a great skill that can give your party a two second reprieve. If you see your tank getting overwhelmed by a pull, a fireball can give the tank a moment to pot up, or let HoR cool down. Same goes for those "oops" moments when an arrow/pierce/lightning bolt/etc., goes the wrong way and you pull a group you didn't intend to aggro. A fireball will knock down the group, giving your party a moment to decide whether to have your tank combine the pulls and control aggro, or reset the group.

Warriors: HP and Armor! You are there to manage aggro and make sure the entire party stays alive. Use your skills (other than Jug) for the benefit of your team. Your job is to always be the last person standing, and to make sure that all mobs want to attack YOU! Make sure you have taunt upgrades on your skills - without taunts, you will not be able to do your job effectively. Keep your party alive and the mobs focused on you and the runs will be smooth.

Horn - It heals, it shields and it can save both you and your party unnecessary deaths. Use this skill appropriately and save it for the right moment. Pot through general damage and save HoR for windup attacks or when you notice party members in trouble. If you see your Sorc/Rogue coming into the group for clock/smoke placement, ensure they stay alive by shielding them with HoR. HoR is most important for boss encounters! A good example of HoR usage is against Algaran. Use HoR if George/Kelvin has their AA on cooldown. This will protect everyone that was pulled from death. Also, with the correct upgrades, HoR taunts. If you notice you are losing control of a mob cluster, HoR will bring them right back to you, so use this skill wisely!

Windmill - This skill is one of the best taunt skills you have. Any mob hit by WM will instantly turn to you. If you see a mob or three breaking out of your control to attack a squishy, move towards those breaking away and tap WM to bring them under your control again. It is worth the skill points to invest in the increased range and extended duration. This helps tremendously with aggro management. Also, while doing a run to boss, use this skill. There is nothing worse for a squishy than being ALMOST at the boss, then getting killed with no way to return to your party.

If every party member masters their role, elite runs with be smooth and easy. If any one member fails in his role, then the run could be a real struggle.

01-24-2015, 12:49 AM
Guild event CODENME: FANG is underway!

Check out event info here:

CODENAME: FANG (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?205500-lt-Trinity-Knights-gt-Codename-Fang)

Good luck, knights!

01-24-2015, 11:47 AM
Look who I found!

We where hanging out, until he said I was weak!
So I knocked him out!

Lol, jk. Seo you're great! Thanks for hanging out with us all!
Wow! Didnt know there is a suiside button!

01-24-2015, 05:18 PM

Was my perfume too strong?

01-24-2015, 05:22 PM

Was my perfume too strong?
Well played!

01-24-2015, 07:09 PM

Was my perfume too strong?

lol you just stink too much :p

01-25-2015, 08:58 AM
Hello everyone after taking some time off from the last event due to personal issues I will leave the guild, right not I feel like staying alone for a while (guildless)

Of course tk has always been home for me and when I'm ready I'll return again
you all officers have great officers and a gm in hanna. many I will call my friends
and others I've just gotten the know. I've had plenty of fun times and growing pains as well. For right now I feel this is best for me until next time knights ;)
I'll be in touch!

01-25-2015, 09:55 AM
Hello everyone after taking some time off from the last event due to personal issues I will leave the guild, right not I feel like staying alone for a while (guildless)

Of course tk has always been home for me and when I'm ready I'll return again
you all officers have great officers and a gm in hanna. many I will call my friends
and others I've just gotten the know. I've had plenty of fun times and growing pains as well. For right now I feel this is best for me until next time knights ;)
I'll be in touch!

It is okey Dok, i undarstand you. But u need to know that i thinking about u good and will be wait u back :3 Thank u for great time! will be miss u... :,(

01-25-2015, 10:21 AM
Hello everyone after taking some time off from the last event due to personal issues I will leave the guild, right not I feel like staying alone for a while (guildless)

Of course tk has always been home for me and when I'm ready I'll return again
you all officers have great officers and a gm in hanna. many I will call my friends
and others I've just gotten the know. I've had plenty of fun times and growing pains as well. For right now I feel this is best for me until next time knights ;)
I'll be in touch!

Good luck in everything that you do, Dok. I respect your decision. Just remember you have friends here in Trinity Knights. Don't be a stranger.

01-25-2015, 02:18 PM
Hello everyone after taking some time off from the last event due to personal issues I will leave the guild, right not I feel like staying alone for a while (guildless)

Of course tk has always been home for me and when I'm ready I'll return again
you all officers have great officers and a gm in hanna. many I will call my friends
and others I've just gotten the know. I've had plenty of fun times and growing pains as well. For right now I feel this is best for me until next time knights ;)
I'll be in touch!

Ouch. Wish you the best, Dok! Take care!

Blue Cheekster
01-25-2015, 06:45 PM
Alone in Expedition Camp hehe...


01-25-2015, 11:08 PM
Alone in Expedition Camp hehe...


Nice :) need to go party in camp! *dance*

01-26-2015, 12:51 AM

Knights, get ready for Kalizzaa's Tour of Arlor (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?204843-Contest-Planning-Kalizzaa-s-Tour-of-Arlor)! It's a four weeks long elite running competition for guilds in Arcane Legends, and yes, Trinity Knights will be participating.

Starting early February, we will get as many knights as possible to finish two elite zones a week as often as possible. This is a great chance for those new lvl 40s to start collecting elite achievement points (AP). It's also a good way to share elite run tips and learn some elite farming on the side.

So this week, while we go on with the tooth farming event Codename: Fang (http://tinyurl.com/codenamefang), please also focus on these activities:

1. Leveling up to 40 and 41 to get those skills points and stats ready for elite runs;

2. Take a look at our elite build and gear guide (http://tinyurl.com/TKeliteguide) and do respec if necessary. Talk to me in game or on Line chat to discuss build and gear.

3. Get your gear good and ready. Again look at the guide and discuss on gc, Line chat or pm about what's the best gear you can get for your budget to be ready for elite.

I hope after the event, many knights will have learned to enjoy running elite and will be ready to join parties with guildies or with random players. As we are also nearing the next expansion, I am also hoping that the skills learned during this competition can help many of us get better at fighting difficult maps without fear.

We will be competing against many high profile elite-focused guilds in the contest. It might even seem as if Trinity Knights is David pitted against arcane-geared Goliath. But all I expect us to do is to work with each other, to represent, to put up the best fight we can give, and run those elite maps over and over and over.

Level up, gear up, and respec if you can all this final week of January.

Next week, my knights, we go to war.

01-26-2015, 09:47 AM

Knights, get ready for Kalizzaa's Tour of Arlor (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?204843-Contest-Planning-Kalizzaa-s-Tour-of-Arlor)! It's a four weeks long elite running competition for guilds in Arcane Legends, and yes, Trinity Knights will be participating.

Starting early February, we will get as many knights as possible to finish two elite zones a week as often as possible. This is a great chance for those new lvl 40s to start collecting elite achievement points (AP). It's also a good way to share elite run tips and learn some elite farming on the side.

So this week, while we go on with the tooth farming event Codename: Fang (http://tinyurl.com/codenamefang), please also focus on these activities:

1. Leveling up to 40 and 41 to get those skills points and stats ready for elite runs;

2. Take a look at our elite build and gear guide (http://tinyurl.com/TKeliteguide) and do respec if necessary. Talk to me in game or on Line chat to discuss build and gear.

3. Get your gear good and ready. Again look at the guide and discuss on gc, Line chat or pm about what's the best gear you can get for your budget to be ready for elite.

I hope after the event, many knights will have learned to enjoy running elite and will be ready to join parties with guildies or with random players. As we are also nearing the next expansion, I am also hoping that the skills learned during this competition can help many of us get better at fighting difficult maps without fear.

We will be competing against many high profile elite-focused guilds in the contest. It might even seem as if Trinity Knights is David pitted against arcane-geared Goliath. But all I expect us to do is to work with each other, to represent, to put up the best fight we can give, and run those elite maps over and over and over.

Level up, gear up, and respec if you can all this final week of January.

Next week, my knights, we go to war.

We are ready ^_^ hello days without sleep and hard work lol

01-26-2015, 12:56 PM
Alone in Expedition Camp hehe...

Enjoy! The camp is yours

01-26-2015, 04:05 PM
Chillin' while Ilhanna counts trivia scores.

01-27-2015, 01:53 AM
Chillin' while Ilhanna counts trivia scores.

Gratz Dkn, Lyt and Boom with victory in trivia!!!! ^_^

01-27-2015, 03:25 AM
41 mages... Shield vs Lifegiver preparing for endgame (elites). I understand heals generate threat (aggro) but the empower upgrade from lifegiver allows for higher group DPS.

My current spec:

skills (passive)
crit 5/5
agility 5/5
knowledge 5/5
might 5/5

skills (active)
fireball (all)
lightning (all except electrical discharge)
frost (all except shatter)
time shift (all)
heal (empower only)

Your thoughts?

01-27-2015, 06:46 AM
Super late upload!!!! Lol

my winter event 2014!


01-27-2015, 07:04 AM
41 mages... Shield vs Lifegiver preparing for endgame (elites). I understand heals generate threat (aggro) but the empower upgrade from lifegiver allows for higher group DPS.

My current spec:

skills (passive)
crit 5/5
agility 5/5
knowledge 5/5
might 5/5

skills (active)
fireball (all)
lightning (all except electrical discharge)
frost (all except shatter)
time shift (all)
heal (empower only)

Your thoughts?
U need shield in elites because mobs can kill you in one hit.
Shield also important for you because it has 2 second immunity from taking damages.

01-27-2015, 08:29 PM
Super late upload!!!! Lol

my winter event 2014!


LOL upper right pic...were you in limbo?

01-27-2015, 08:35 PM
41 mages... Shield vs Lifegiver preparing for endgame (elites). I understand heals generate threat (aggro) but the empower upgrade from lifegiver allows for higher group DPS.

My current spec:

skills (passive)
crit 5/5
agility 5/5
knowledge 5/5
might 5/5

skills (active)
fireball (all)
lightning (all except electrical discharge)
frost (all except shatter)
time shift (all)
heal (empower only)

Your thoughts?

Apart from the aggro-stealing, heal also has quite a long cooldown. On hard elite maps you and your party can't wait that long. Since that means you'll be spamming pots anyway, better take shield. Shield can save you when you run to drop clock in the middle of mobs being tanked by warrior, for instance. It's also a great help for maps like the Ashral Heart or elite Shuyal 1 where it allows you to roll unscathed over poison pools to drop clock.

Blue Cheekster
01-27-2015, 08:50 PM
I'm like that Egyptian pharaoh lol. Big big tomb all for me alone.


01-27-2015, 09:41 PM
Edited the build/gear/pet guide for elite to include gear and pets from winter event. Read here:


01-28-2015, 02:15 AM
Super late upload!!!! Lol

my winter event 2014!


Yyyyh very cool pic ^_^ yea, a lot of bugs were lol