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  1. Exclusive PvP Titles
  2. Dice Roll Function
  3. Party + Stranger In a Map
  4. Double Permission or Whtever (Not good with grammer :P)
  5. Make guild invites similar to friend requests(&Other guild improvements)
  6. My Ideas
  7. Guild wars/Guild pvp
  8. Ping.
  9. Just a suggestion
  10. Suggestions in Elite Zone
  11. [SUGGESTION] Concerns about players phones.
  12. Announcement Window / Board
  13. New Achievement titles
  14. Banners
  15. Why was FLAPJACK nerfed?
  16. Juggernaut ( the skill )
  17. Dead City Expansion feedback
  18. Need a +10/-10 stat points button.
  19. Cytokinesis suggested sub forum for pets
  20. Guild suggestions / interface problem
  21. founders items
  22. DPS vs. Damage
  23. Banners
  24. Wack Elite Loot
  25. Chat system
  26. Aimed Shot name change
  27. Guild Second/Co-GM
  28. Make mage weapons be used
  29. Platinum
  30. each map should have their own type of chest for a specific class of equipment.
  31. [SUGGESTION] Dev Parties
  32. tap to move
  33. "show stats"
  34. +/- Aggro Passives
  35. Potions / exilers
  36. X-mas treat!
  37. Block / Deflect
  38. Changing Orientation on iPhone?
  39. Map and teleportation idea
  40. Threat output and tanking capability on 1h warrior weapon.
  41. Sales Tax too high
  42. "consignment" shop
  43. Full hunger bar for pet when they lvl up!
  44. Why Daggers do more damage than Bows ?
  45. new skill/ideas... ect...
  46. Auction house gold fee ---> Contest gold
  47. Auction in Guild Hall
  48. Display my title on/off
  49. Idea for Elite Dungon with great rewards....
  50. Renaming pets needs a confirmation box.
  51. gender selection
  52. Mail System in Game
  53. Social gameplay could be improved
  54. Multi-character management
  55. make tall characters
  56. Show self on minimap
  57. My opinions on notifs, LBs, and pet feeding schedule
  58. guild msg
  59. Ranked PvP
  60. New pet feeding system
  61. Leaderboard opinions
  62. just a suggestion to sts
  63. Option/Ability to pick up class-specific loot in games
  64. Set bonuses
  65. Dual Spec
  66. auto follow
  67. changing pet n armo
  68. PVP/ increase the lvl
  69. Never get legendary items and horrible lag since update
  70. have in-game classes....
  71. Some Suggestion
  72. confirmation button on plat purchases.
  73. Loadouts
  74. True elite
  75. title+ guild tag
  76. Dodge
  77. Skill respecting
  78. Upgrading items + farming bosses + sharing the drops + increasing drop rates
  79. Respeccing skills and stats separately
  80. Guild wars. Maybe?
  81. Easter pet idea
  82. Skills hitting crates, vases, green goob on the ground, etc.
  83. More Assets Achievements
  84. Formulas
  85. Target dummy's
  86. Screen Size / Aspect Ratio
  87. Dev Explanation of Taunt Please?
  88. Why are promo code items trash?
  89. DotD for AL?
  90. Fast port to guild hall
  91. Item enchantment system
  92. 12 plat for extra character (ripoff)
  93. Electrical Discharge change suggestion
  94. Could vanity banners give a little something?
  95. Suggestions Page for New Rewards,Weapons,Armor,Pets,Allies/Ally Rewards
  96. Chat modes.
  97. Better Bows
  98. Guild Banners?
  99. simple loadout addon
  100. clear reward
  101. **Future update**
  102. <Arcane Fellowship> feedback on what we want to see improved in guild
  103. One Free Respec in Update Please
  104. Valentines Day Vanity
  105. Loki kettle & mailson
  106. this is what i suggest for guild
  107. Daily Quests on low level maps
  108. Inspect players gear.
  109. Guild ranks and bank
  110. Guild needs.. The completed list
  111. I dont get why.
  112. Gender Confusion
  113. My opinion on Sorcerer Gear from Watch Crates
  114. want to buy platinum but cant and many others cant so got an idea
  115. Kudos to a fast response.
  116. Let's talk about items.
  117. No sound on android os 2.2
  118. Pl costumes/pets
  119. i need answer please
  120. Well its an unfair battle!
  121. More ways to spend/get platinum
  122. Suggestion for the devs
  123. Battlemodes for Arcane Legends :D
  124. A Suggestion On Auctions
  125. Dedicated Guild Forums
  126. the drop rate of new crates fix please
  127. THE ULTIMATE GUILD: suggestions for guild upgrades
  128. Guild suggestions.
  129. a cool idea!
  130. Shooting yourself in the foot!
  131. Upgrade Guilds
  132. 1 hour versions of the 15 minute elixirs
  133. Let's talk Warrior.
  134. Color Coded Pets in Stable??
  135. Please add more slot for inventory and loaded.
  136. Vanity Items and Platinums.
  137. About Top player ladder
  138. Make all Coins account bound like platinum
  139. Serious Consideration Of New Weapon n Vanity Looks! (different from others sts games)
  140. K/D Leaderboard. Why not?
  141. Gold purchased respec
  142. Add more ranks in guild
  143. Selling item news
  144. New Items for level 25-26
  145. New model for pets at a certain level
  146. lets talk about ctf.and.rouges
  147. French patch
  148. Accidental plats spend in game due to screen freeze or lag
  149. Pvp idea.
  150. Muting / Filtering.
  151. Increase Ingame Gold
  152. Trading pets within account?
  153. free respecs limited time for ctf
  154. Mystic Pets Perks
  155. include builds (skills and stat points) in loadouts
  156. Rondom possible upgrades?
  157. Minor question about sword & shield
  158. Please another 40% off weekend
  159. Is there Support on Spacetime Studios ???
  160. New achievement/Leader Board.
  161. Some suggestions for arcane legends.
  162. Veteran rewards
  163. How to use google account on iPad version of this game?
  164. suggestion on auction
  165. items in new expansion with better stats
  166. Idea to make game look even better
  167. suggestion on upcoming crafting
  168. suggestion for al . we need more excited map and activity .
  169. Purchase Powers/Skills
  170. Guild-Leaderbord
  171. My opinion on directions for pvp
  172. Chat text expansion snippet system
  173. Leaderboards Banner Idea
  174. Great respec idea!
  175. Rouges are Overpowered - Rouges are killing the Players to much one hit
  176. Emotes/Sounds Changes & Additions Needed
  177. Few changes for AL CTF
  178. Loadout Question
  179. Pet elixirs?
  180. Should be changed ASAP
  181. Suggestions in-game.
  182. How would you improve AL?
  183. Things that should be added next big patch
  184. Loadouts idea.
  185. To next big update
  186. Ninja Stars/kunais/etc
  187. PvP & PvE Skill Sets on One Character
  188. CS Notifications!
  189. loadout
  190. Malison's Arcane Ability needs a buff, discuss
  191. We need CRAFTING Please!
  192. Expanded "Beastmaster" Title??
  193. Please show Pets XP
  194. Selling POTS/Potion to other players [Suggest]
  195. pvp level cap
  196. Mounts! Mounts! Mounts!
  197. cs questions
  198. Armor Dye's
  199. Character Skins!
  200. Dissatisfied
  201. Flag Emotes
  202. Underground Aquarium :D
  203. Just idea for lock crate chest
  204. New Arcane Killerwhale pet
  205. To Slay a dragon
  206. Proposal to add Yes/No Button
  207. Arcane ring of happiness
  208. Parrot Pet for Kraken Isles
  209. credit
  210. MMMM
  211. Item Fusion Machine suggestion
  212. Black and Blue Founders Vanity set
  213. Inter-class skill combos
  214. Allow free respec of 1 skill point per day (make it a daily quest?)
  215. Arcane's Equipment
  216. Battery meter please
  217. Free Platinum
  218. BRB/AFK option
  219. Able to get Maried
  220. We shouldn't be penalized for certain deaths...
  221. Stash
  222. support suggest
  223. Create a more REASONABLE chat filter
  224. Face/gender switches per class for platinum
  225. guild features are limited and here is some good ideas
  226. (suggestion) extra payment method (mobile)
  227. Competition Section to link to AL forums
  228. My opinion on Mage Cooldown...
  229. More emotes..
  230. Scale beneficial effects with lvl and/or attributes
  231. Guild counter
  232. mail feature
  233. GUILD'S SKILLS! #idea
  234. New Leaderboard Stat
  235. Season 2 Leaderboard
  236. speed and weapons for warrior
  237. Player Shops (With Pictures of idea)
  238. Universal Chat System
  239. Solo play
  240. guys .. its too hard to figure out who is the best recruiter in the guild(solution)
  241. A place for withdrawing skill points
  242. I receive a message today...in yellow letters...saying i win 10 free plats
  243. Remove 5k-10k achievement from everyone, make lb fair
  244. A new class! :d
  245. purchasing something using plats
  246. Skill and Stat "Loadouts"
  247. Vanity Idea Thread
  248. New Vanity Slot.
  249. Rogues heal skill.
  250. Indication in CTF whether the flags are captured