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  1. Return the forgotten vanity event
  2. Gold loot on quest
  3. Event guild tiers
  4. Elixir Mixing
  5. Guild Quest
  6. Top 10 lb reward questions
  7. Can we get imbued gem armor as vanity
  8. Honor pvp (Aegis)
  9. Monster display
  10. Seasonal house and guildhall decorating contest!!!!
  11. Goblin event vanities
  12. 8 More Hotbar Slots
  13. Alchemist Aura
  14. Guild List Filter
  15. Search option for pets with name.
  16. Quest for glint set aura
  17. Mothers day event in may? i hope
  18. Add # button on token vendor
  19. Goblin relic fragments
  20. Add lvl 61 items in the plat store
  21. Hotbar Suggestion
  22. Flame forge staff level 47 and 51 request
  23. Exterminator and Deathstalker aura
  24. Please let us have option to disable aura effect on our screen
  25. Ideas for future building
  26. Monthly Subscription Suggestion
  27. some suggestions/ideas from an experienced player
  28. Old player rewards?
  29. Married additional Status when couple online.
  30. [Feedback] - Cut-throat concerto proc
  31. Item Count Indicator
  32. Search Bar
  33. buff warriors in honor pls
  34. Calendar in the game
  35. Guild event enhancements!!!
  36. Drop rate of jewels
  37. Option to hide pet’s banter box
  38. Ursoth/ Heroic/arcanite shady and surge
  39. The “free 25% speed elixir” in store categories.
  40. Colored Monarch Wings
  41. Upcoming temple challenge
  42. Dutch Flag Vanity
  43. its my suggestion :)
  44. Regarding elite locked valley and locked valley
  45. Multiple buying feature
  46. Add this stuff in Expansion, Cinco big list.
  47. New pet design
  48. Ignore drop
  49. Super Saiyan Aura
  50. Rengoku kyojuro aura
  51. House Message Notifications
  52. Add more Auras
  53. Revenant Crates
  54. House slots for tokens
  55. Heroic event pets in store
  56. suggestion ( bestiary )
  57. "Favorite" feature.
  58. Venom or Carnage special vanity for warrior on next marvel event
  59. About vanity repeat & copy paste,recolor
  60. Fix old weapons,
  61. About endless aura creation
  62. Platinum suggestion
  63. glintset (M)
  64. More gear loadouts. Addition of hotbar loadouts
  65. King Corruption Mage Vanity
  66. Hi guys. I'm OK with taint set or need change anything?
  67. Arcane weapon Event
  68. Auction adjustment
  69. Incense Fragments in Mogera Lair
  70. Fair Play [ Blotto Event ]
  71. Frost Gun
  72. Omg another recolor request..
  73. Loadout Design For House !
  74. Rent item
  75. XP sets
  76. Show sent house mails!!
  77. Tube Man Height
  78. 2 things
  79. Suggestion
  80. Swamp temple, devs please consider this idea
  81. Gauntlet suggestion
  82. Pure mute
  83. Layouts
  84. Ashera and demonic ashera needs neck n collar plz.
  85. Horizontal/vertical
  86. Leaderboard furniture
  87. LOYALTY AWARD - Guild more than 5 years in Arcane Legends
  88. Increase the jewel level or its stats
  89. Quality of life improvements from 11-18-2020, 05:00 PM
  90. Euro 2020
  91. Option to see enemy health values
  92. Arcane pass
  93. Maria glitch
  94. Color code hotbar slots
  95. Advanced "details" on auction.
  96. suggestions about pets lvling
  97. Simple/easy sugestion
  98. Forgotten Elixer
  99. Why does this event have bound items
  100. Treehouse furniture
  101. Longest cave
  102. Guild Improvments
  103. Effect Hide/Show Option?
  104. It's a struggle buying these store vanity sets.
  105. The Bullion Bowl (Rogues)
  106. Hide Vanity BackPack
  107. Make number search in auc possible
  108. Membership to support the game
  109. Add pm from auc
  110. How to be Productive while being AFK
  111. Afk NPC
  112. Rotating Camera
  113. Puddles for Houses
  114. % Stacking Damage Reduction
  115. Tainted/Endless set auras
  116. Random camera angle
  117. More In-game feautures
  118. Riding pets
  119. Is There Any Chance !
  120. Adventurer’s Kit
  121. Rich vs Rich While it lasts
  122. Please sts change evg group lb
  123. Convert glinstone set into a wisp item
  124. Festerfang Outpost - View
  125. Can I Loot Elite Gem from boss?[emoji2960]
  126. Speed Jewel
  127. Update search option in fourm
  128. Para gem
  129. Thoughts on HC Revives
  130. Sort friend list and guild list
  131. Extending Oil Elixer Crafting
  132. a little request from a friendly dino =^-^=
  133. Multiple messaging feature
  134. 3 things
  135. bids and auction house
  136. Glint aegis and mausoleu
  137. 2 things
  138. Quest Rewards
  139. Regarding arcane shard drop.
  140. Swap class for plat
  141. Request for new skills and some details
  142. Option to filter forum results by most "Thanks"
  143. Marvelous event new pet
  144. Event
  145. Halloween vanity suggestions or side event
  146. Arlor event
  147. Picking Rarity in auction
  148. Portals, Entrances & Exits
  149. The Most OP Rare Aura
  150. Hands of the Jaguar vanity weap
  151. Dex,int,str bonuses
  152. Mayor Mischief adjustments
  153. More hotbars
  154. Guild hall boxing ring!!!
  155. Blockchain gaming
  156. Encrusted
  157. Marvelous Event feedback
  158. Increasing Beach Event Drop rates and Buffing Maus Gold
  159. character favorism
  160. Suggestions about pvp
  161. Titles
  162. Disconnect in Hardcore
  163. Floating vanities
  164. Regarding drop of small/medium incense fragment drop in evg
  165. Arcanite Fields Event
  166. Next forgotten vanity event
  167. loot from rare mobs/bosses
  168. Pls add this boss to next monster holder
  169. Suggestion on Market/Auction
  170. Pets Evolution
  171. buff duggar bow proc chance please
  172. Maul of lolleros
  173. In Game Mic Suggestion
  174. Expans lvl 81
  175. Misshapen Imagen...!
  176. quivers for backpack vanities
  177. little change in dragkin temple leaderboard
  178. vanity rings, amulets, belts & artifacts LOL
  179. Skin tones for rogue and warrior
  180. Rogue and Mage Heal Buff
  181. Key binds for pc
  182. Party bonus
  183. Star Wars Vanities
  184. Jester Revamp Idea
  185. The Explanation of proc for Weapons, Helm, Armor, Ring, Amulet and Artifacts
  186. Notifications for hearted / spouse online
  187. Furniture holders are just so annoying
  188. Flood us with more sneak peak of expansion !
  189. Make items purchasabale by amount!!!
  190. Translator
  191. A New banner 81
  192. Into the world of NFTs...
  193. Improvements to the Guilds Event Feature
  194. Suggestion for Arcanite Fields event
  195. a small change that brightens the houses
  196. Arcanite fields event Im so Stress[emoji24]
  197. Game Feedback and what we need.
  198. Missing in the Daily Event?
  199. Guild Raids
  200. The new Glinstone aegis Expansion? surprised
  201. Legendary Artifact
  202. Levlar Spawn Rate
  203. Bring this back..
  204. Planar Fragments #stillwaitingforthismoment
  205. Oyster Boss and new Expansion related jewels kinda...
  206. Notification when alt gets honor game
  207. Suggestion for Nerf Proc stack
  208. 81 warp to main path placement
  209. Reflect Damage Warning on New Maps
  210. Improvement Ideas
  211. I didn't like the removal of proc staff and gun
  212. Crafted Vanity
  213. Current Spirit Gears
  214. Give wars an auto pull chance
  215. Buff 81 legendary gears
  216. Water aura
  217. New title for Aps
  218. New expansion ranks
  219. Utility procs
  220. Weapon Balance Ideea (best)
  221. Add a Sri Lankan banner to store Please [emoji3064]
  222. Add location
  223. Seaweed Furniture
  224. Honor pvp 81
  225. Request to change Ekenta and Mecharydon bars
  226. Skills suggestion that could (maybe) fix everything
  227. Feedback from last occupy event
  228. Sort rings, pendants, artis and belts by str dex int type
  229. Potions
  230. Zodias bars
  231. Zodias boss and mini boss attack warnings
  232. Ekenta feedback
  233. Can the somberholt halo vanity helms be made stashable?
  234. New skills is the way to balance
  235. 5th ui skill
  236. Zodias boss (Bah'Moth)
  237. Zodias rank.
  238. STS please add this! (Arena for Each class)
  239. 2 suggestions
  240. Game adjustments
  241. Ult in maps
  242. Nerf mauso 1-6
  243. New portal maps
  244. Gold Loot Passive
  245. Mecharydon
  246. The Dome.. a furniture..
  247. Might wanna add some higher level equipment in item pack
  248. Automating the rotate and raise furniture features. Cuz it gets pretty annoying align
  249. Request of the gamers
  250. jewel with 5% gold loot