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  1. Flag Returns
  2. Loot Platinum
  3. No free offers from trialplay and W3i
  4. new ideas !
  5. pvp win/loss ratio
  6. no crdit card.!!
  7. Double gold weekend :D
  8. Implement an SMS payment option
  9. CTF Flag up to 10
  10. Need Something new!
  11. Spawning Bubble~Pvp
  12. PvP Rooms idea
  13. Movement
  14. Pets..... Evolve.
  15. Whole STS team play PVP with each guild. .A tournament
  16. Pets' Health
  17. Some my items are gone !!!!
  18. Add a leaderboard for Win in PvP
  19. Glacian mania
  20. More double XP
  21. New Sub-Forums in Al forums
  22. Boss difficulty
  23. Allow a fifth party member in pve
  24. Low Life and mana.. small flash alert while game play for party member..
  25. Bard Updates
  26. Follow Button
  27. Different gender on the characters
  28. CTF wins
  29. more weapons
  30. My account was terminated when I give my gold through other characters
  31. lightening bolt and ice bolt for mage
  32. Buying Rogue Forerunner armor .
  33. New Achievements...
  34. Hot Key Shortcut
  35. PvP
  36. Please increase the number of inventory slots or lower price on stash space
  37. Plat % off..
  38. Great suggestion !
  39. Guild Recruitment's Log
  40. Add Mana Potions Package (50 and 100packs)
  41. Exp elix
  42. Arcane legends Alert
  43. Interactive chat window
  44. Vengeful Blood
  45. Public Shout or Megaphone
  46. "Guild Chat" and "Party Chat" buttons in chat window
  47. Disable XP
  48. Inspect window/buttons/command
  49. purchasing elixir
  50. Summoning more pets..
  51. Ripmaw and Hammerjaw - Please add new abilities at L30?
  52. Hi, Upgrades.
  53. Another Suggestion
  54. AL charaters swithcing weapons
  55. Suggestion: Klaas giving Arcane and mythic eggs
  56. Pet skills/abilities system
  57. Check stats or Preview item in Trade Window
  58. Season X Vanity Set Contest
  59. Suggestions For The New Update
  60. Pet With Taunt Arcane Ability
  61. Bulletin board for guilds
  62. Arcane Vanity
  63. Include guild rankings on leaderboards
  64. select your reward.
  65. autofocus on crates ond vases with fireball
  66. Platinum Acution
  67. Advertising Board
  68. Suggestion
  69. Request for the abiity to hire mythic/arcane weapons
  70. Event suggestion, balancing
  71. Incentives To Finish Maps
  72. arcane/mythic
  73. health/mana portions
  74. Mythic Achievement
  75. Player Names During PvP
  76. Solution/Fix for issue of rogues dominating timed run contest
  77. new npc like klaas or shazbot
  78. Pets challenge area
  79. Slags arcane cooldown
  80. In game reputation system
  81. Lying Around Dead For Daily Credit?
  82. mount spyr leaderboard
  83. How about a PvP/CTF contest?
  84. PvP Enemies
  85. Death Match (battle everyone you come across)
  86. Combat Damage Number Color
  87. Need a way to sell junk items quicker!
  88. Suggestion: Checkpoints
  89. master quest ?
  90. Achievement points for LB
  91. Guild Bulletin Board
  92. Auto greetings and top 3
  93. Suggesting a separate respec of character stats points and skills points
  94. A Way To Organize Pets
  95. Putup a Mailbox
  96. Have a Permanent Guild Message Board
  97. FIX ulfang and uberman maps
  98. Better Guild Controls
  99. The Gladiator Arena
  100. Guild disbanding
  101. Suggestion PVP
  102. Pets achievements for leveling them up?
  103. New pet species
  104. about gladiator arena
  105. mythic warr amulet suggestion
  106. Arena Diamonds
  107. New "Senior Officer" Guild Position
  108. Guild Ranking
  109. New maps for PvP
  110. PvP status
  111. PvP balance?
  112. Search within guild list
  113. New Section for Guild Hall
  114. Guilds
  115. Better inventory list system for when you have multiples of items
  116. Guild name Change options with Fee!
  117. Guild war! If admin can place a password to enter a pvp room much better
  118. The Arcane Blacksmith - we need to improve our Mythics and Arcanes items
  119. importent guild and pvp improvments
  120. Solution to the PVP/CTF issues.....
  121. hi.loot elixser does not work.
  122. classes..
  123. we need assasinations like DL has
  124. Different Classes Genders
  125. Feedback: Posting a thanks to STS for making this enjoyable game..
  126. Chrome Hotkeys
  127. Ideas for update (benefitting guilds)
  128. The guild window
  129. More Emoticons!
  130. Training Center
  131. Team Survival
  132. Select prefered chat languages?
  133. Muted :x
  134. locked crates open for free for 1 week
  135. Relief for the Pain of w3i
  136. New achievment
  137. PvP - And People Quitting
  138. mightve been suggested before but.. GUILD ANNOUNCEMENTS
  139. arcane weapon for sorcerer
  140. Suggestion for PvP balance for all kinds of players.
  141. Quick Farming Spot
  142. Exp Ring/Amulet
  143. Youtube Channel |Support me |
  144. UP GRADE HOOKS to lvl 30 or 31
  145. Mythic Clear Intensions
  146. Make elite chests from brackenridge/ydra sellable
  147. Purchasing, Mailbox, Guild, Mobile Payments
  148. Suggestion for Forum Section per Country
  149. daily bonus
  150. something exp players and guilds will like
  151. rare, epic, legendary, mythic, arcane..
  152. new maps level?
  153. Elite daily quests
  154. Lowering level
  155. team deathmatch suggestions
  156. money game
  157. Putting pets back in eggs for resale?
  158. Social tab suggestion, for the long friend and guild member list
  159. Additional Handshake Skill for All classes...Power Coupling
  160. few suggestion for dev team.
  161. few things to make guild play much more interesting....
  162. Few improvements and suggestions for Arcane Legends.
  163. Quick chat
  164. Feedback Request: No more Elite Dungeons
  165. Mana attack buff for rogues.
  166. new pets :D
  167. Why are we allowed to buy Founders?
  168. Training Dummies
  169. Mythic Ripmaw and Arcane Hammerjaw - Passive abilities are the same
  170. CS ticket
  171. Vanity trading- Urgh
  172. Sorc refinements
  173. Feedback:Any platinum buy discounts coming up?
  174. Making Old Armors To Vanities
  175. Inventory Loadout buttons on playing screen
  176. Elite golden warchests for sale
  177. Pets pick up chests, crates and eggs
  178. some ideas
  179. "Easy way out" for Child's Play Achievement
  180. In Game Clock
  181. (Possible) Add a New Active Skill for Rouge?
  182. Stash Password Suggestion
  183. Warrior mythic weapon need to be improved in base damage!
  184. Gender of the classes
  185. Guild Stash
  186. Button in main window to change equipment set
  187. Respect character from gold
  188. Suggestions on new classes!
  189. Pet buff requests
  190. New expansion!
  191. PVP suggestions
  192. Guild quests Guild team and guild quests issuer
  193. Just a suggestion, hope to be noted.
  194. Guild Rules Board?
  195. gold for plat event? gear for plat event?
  196. Guild Hall For Gold
  197. Item Liquidate Locked Option
  198. Recruiting Alert
  199. PvP Trash Talk
  200. Private Chat Menu
  201. when????
  202. Teaming in PvP
  203. design your vanity !
  204. Guild Banners
  205. Make Gleipnir Stashable?
  206. Make Every Weekend ( A Double Elixir Weekend )
  207. make god in pvp
  208. Free Character Renaming for Once every Player :)
  209. The Most Requested Suggestions To Make AL Perfect!
  210. Private chat on forums with online friends
  211. Imrovement for balance
  212. HD Graphics Option
  213. Guild vs Guild PvP
  214. Guild notice board
  215. Killing Guildmate solution?
  216. AL Enemy-Pedia
  217. Profit for Players and Devs
  218. Workshop for braves
  219. Mythic vs mythic pvp, normal vs normal pvp
  220. Trade Blocked
  221. Turn any Helm/Armor into Vanity
  222. Please sts!!!! Add guild message board in guild hall please
  223. Changes to Leaderboard, everyone deserves a chance!!
  224. Guild positions and ranking
  225. Having an auction house in gh
  226. Fifth Skill
  227. Confirm window for plat expenditures
  228. Free respec weekend in every month
  229. its about time.. every online mmorpg have this..
  230. New rogue skill
  231. can dodge get....
  232. please sts... a "Top Officer" guild position
  233. suggestion for next event
  234. Platinum offer
  235. Trading Disabled
  236. new stat monthly ratio
  237. Mythic item according to your lvl 1-36 this season 5 coming..
  238. Mythic Weapons Should Be Available For Any Level!
  239. Trading/Giving Plats?
  240. Notification for Being Made Party Leader
  241. Super amazing mounts with gear and levels
  242. Search bar
  243. Auction and Trade Upgrades (Read Pls)
  244. auto reject friend invites/chat to friends
  245. Vanity weapons
  246. Individual and Team combo skills
  247. Trading/giving Elixers?
  248. Platinum Payment Method
  249. Special Skill
  250. Add to loadout