Quote Originally Posted by PsychoNuke View Post
I disagree on two levels.
1) Class balance is not determined on the basses of if a specific class is excluded from runs. (The issue with exclusion of mage and warrior from being called for end game raids was not resolved with class balance, it does not exist anymore because they removed gold from there)
2) Class balance affects PVP and damage based runs (for example Raid LB) - players are not speaking about it anymore because there are no actions taken for all the outstanding discussions that are already available on the forum.

But you are entitled to your opinion as I am
Class balance isn't the problem in PvE it's the maps that are the problem. Raids are endgame maps right now and tanks are useless there. With mages close behind, but in mauso 5-6 all 3 classes are needed so that proves it's not a class balance problem it's to easy/only single target maps with easily avoidable red zones (raids) that's the problem.

They almost got raid right with infested swamp raid tanks needed to taunt to stop the one shots on rogues/mages, mages needed op staff procs and rogue was needed at the end to finish off the boss before everyone died. Until people realized you can just use 2 glowstick AAs to stop dying so that leaves tank useless and then mage procs were nerfed which made them useless too so now 4 rogue parties are the best way to run every raid ingame. And the only other map at 71 is deep marsh which only opens once per week oh and i can solo it on my rogue with legendary gear because it's to easy.

PvP is another problem altogether tanks need a way to get kills against rogues. Mages need a way to kill tanks and rogues need to be less op against all 3 classes. Also i tried PvP with my rogue with legendary weapon and free mire gear and got 16 kills the first match.. While i struggle to get 10 kills in 2 hours on my tank that is pretty much max geared.