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  1. Disable PvP Names and Crosstalk
  2. Free rename pet for weekend
  3. Guild Bulletin Board
  4. The Infinity Tower
  5. Team chat in PvP
  6. loot from locked chest *pls read*
  7. great idea to prevent someone sell plat,gold and account for real money
  8. XP tab
  9. trade platinum
  10. Solution to Flagging APs
  11. Adding Matches Won/Lost Counter
  12. May MOL POINT be consider as one of the payment method
  13. Please exclude low level pvp from the CTF CAPTURE UPDATE.
  14. What if!!!
  15. Arcane legends bluetooth controller
  16. Keyboard Game Key Extension for Chrome (see image)
  17. Dear STG...
  18. Simple Yet Very Helpful Suggestion
  19. [Suggestion] Shared Pet Stable
  20. Please Remove low level pvp of that new CTF CAPTURE UPDATE!
  21. Regarding the new Flagging update
  22. Raids
  23. Toggle icons
  24. Possible Gold Sink While Potentially Increasing Player Base and Revenue
  25. Suggestion for Magma Totem
  26. Ripmaw's passive
  27. Ring, amulet and weapon with regen?
  28. hello sts
  29. Bring PL vanities to AL!
  30. New auc house idea
  31. Please revert
  32. Warrior skill "windmill" only attack up to 3 target.
  33. Revised Ripmaw
  34. New server?
  35. Effective Gold Sink
  36. lock items in inventory, to prevent them from deletion
  37. TDM Spawning (That Freakin Trulle)
  38. Singe: Replaced that unuseful dmg reduc 4%
  39. Delphina,Samhayne,H2N,Remiem,ecc please take a look!!!
  40. Best suggestion
  41. must needed :-)
  42. Price list!!
  43. The future of itemization and locked crates
  44. Regarding : "elixir shortcuts"
  45. must needed (revised)
  46. Mana as a factor of Dodge
  47. Revamping the Leaderboards!
  48. Guild Hall Capacity
  49. Macro's
  50. Axe Throw.
  51. Be able to search pets in Stable
  52. Keep facial features with vanity helms
  53. [Suggestion] POTION BOX
  54. Feedback
  55. A suggestion about dailies missions.
  56. im sure thiz has been suggested before but cant hurt do it again (duel arena)
  57. A different "circlet vanity helm" for warriors/sorc.
  58. So disappointed that my account was banned
  59. Changing classes and many more!
  60. Portal scrolls to bring people from the start of the map to you!
  61. New Pet
  62. Killing Spree! Let's get into the Chain!
  63. ( VERIFED ACCOUNT ) ! - Arcana Legends
  64. PvP Rewards
  65. Inappropriate location of Buy Elixir Buttons
  66. Can we also change our IGN with gold?
  67. Bulk buyers and sellers problem in trading must be fixed
  68. must needed @/:
  69. opening locked''
  70. Czech & Slovakia Banner
  71. Duel
  72. Change the AA visible effect on Shadowlurk
  73. Data add on
  74. Removal of CD of Energy Balls.
  75. Prestige Mode
  76. New Variety of Gear
  77. Platinum As A Card!
  78. Free Respecs
  79. Platinum as Paysafe or as Phone :
  80. Gender Option
  81. Solution to inflation and other economic issues.....
  82. New Craftable Gems Idea
  83. Mythic Story Token Pets
  84. New tomb idea .. Kinda
  85. Add a Guild Note
  86. An improvement in Klass's rewards.
  87. Anoder sujjeschun - Guild Notificacione'
  88. Just a vanity suggestion :) "Mage"
  89. New Update :(
  90. Future Crafting Event (Like Mothers Day) Modification
  91. Sort order for Inventory
  92. Attention please!! :-)
  93. guild naming
  94. client update..!!
  95. Why Twinks can't go Shuyal? ?
  96. Class Loot Elixer's (My Opinion)
  97. slag mythic pet event
  98. "Shark Bouncer" arena achievement not awarded... glitch?
  99. Make Lepre Pendant a Vanity
  100. My Mage Needs Hair
  101. Guild donation/storage box?
  102. Free Pet Feeding Weekend!
  103. Double xp :-)
  104. Automatic selling of inventory
  105. Beastmaster title ..!
  106. New pet inventions..!
  107. PvP suggestion : Aim for no hatred, gang block etc.
  108. Cap vanities
  109. Main stash to 500..please :)
  110. /Join Command ?
  111. PvP
  112. Crazy Idea
  113. Why no Indian Banner? :(
  114. Increase Global Damage Nerf in PvP?
  115. Isn't it the time ?
  116. Solution to fixing CTF - REVISED VERSION
  117. Double Chance Challenger Weekend Event.
  118. guild rank colors
  119. @staff and @developer: EAster Egg miss
  120. New expansion idea... Prehistoric.
  121. Shadow veil
  122. Kdr
  123. Feedback on Arcane Legends /report Command.
  124. A new type of Proc from weapons.
  125. White / Green Autosell
  126. vanity weapons
  127. Mods check this out
  128. Locked grand crate of the watch
  129. Unlocked Grand Crate of the Watch , It should be?Why?
  130. premium idea..!
  131. Locked into Elite recipe
  132. AL Fan Art given 2 sub-categories
  133. [Suggestion] Pet refinements
  134. New arena map:Tactical arena
  135. Reputation leaderbored..!!
  136. Pet Transferrer
  137. Pvp
  138. Pets and loots
  139. Suggestion: Remove the player's name who is retired already.
  140. Please color coordinate team chat and team names in ctf/tdm
  141. dear ,we need some event for dragon boat festival
  142. Crarting
  143. jack
  144. Bounty Hunter
  145. Suggestion : Pet trial.
  146. Custom vanitys
  147. Valid Concerns in our AL World
  148. Lobby-menu
  149. Comical Suggestion!
  150. making gale force viable in pvp
  151. Some Feedback about new Client
  152. please reset graphics to old
  153. i have a suggestion
  154. pikachu pet
  155. Really hate this in new client: Skill point alert
  156. Pets in stable missing after update!
  157. Just a Suggestion
  158. [Feedback]Nightshade , Legendary Pet .
  159. Gold sink suggestion - weapon durability
  160. Guild interactivity
  161. Goblin Event Official Suggestions and Feedback Thread
  162. if you are going to continue making plat only events
  163. About guild..!!
  164. About guild..!!
  165. Suggestion for future "EVENTS"
  166. Please add separate class LB for Goblin Event
  167. The Cape
  168. Golden Tier prize perfected agile band
  169. Automatic Potions
  170. Implement an Confirmation button for goblin portal
  171. dns of arcane legends
  172. Goblin Event Info Panel
  173. My Suggestion to Fix All Our Issues
  174. Arcane Legends Icon
  175. Lock Crate Graphics
  176. Gold Tier Goblin Ring
  177. Make Token Stashable.
  178. Buff Goblin Daggers proc
  179. Item lending safe way
  180. Suggestion: Remove 20% Armor Debuff from Scorn
  181. Save the Goblin event
  182. Offline
  183. Arcane/mythic daily?
  184. [Suggestion] Give loot to all party members anywhere on the map
  185. Goblin Token idea before event over DEVs
  186. Ring of intrepid
  187. Has this mythic upgrade to 41 idea been posted already?
  188. Tradeable respec kits
  189. inventory should be some more organized. its messy with too much items
  190. Double Odds Krunch and Bael 2 weekend!
  191. Adding a Time Counter to Respawns in PvP
  192. Rewards for plat-usres
  193. African Banner for AL
  194. Weekends
  195. Thank You! (for adding the option to confirm purchases made with platinum.)
  196. Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
  197. About Country Banners...
  198. Talon
  199. Tdm
  200. 24 tokens :(
  201. Guild colors needed
  202. Legendary shark
  203. A few minor tweaks to the Energy idea
  204. @staff [SERVER-CORE]: Please reform LANGUAGE FILTER (mega thread topic)
  205. Reseting your pve kills/deaths also pvp
  206. Turning Arcane Legends into a more friendly and intimate game experience...
  207. Suggestion: New Emotes (muted & panic)
  208. Funny but real
  209. New "Yawn" and "Whooohooo" emotes
  210. Shady & Surge -- How they SHOULD be rewarded....
  211. Guild Ranks!!
  212. Camera distance resets
  213. Pet Equipped - Skill Bubble Addition W/Jpeg !!!
  214. about samael
  215. Pet suggestion (Pengüin)
  216. Calendar with events/updates
  217. new vanity suggestion and new char
  218. Kraag cannons
  219. Thanks STS
  220. slot extender and new gems suggestion
  221. We need another Skills Slot and New skills
  222. Limit to..
  223. Please make Goblin Ring Stashable
  224. PvP entry.
  225. New weekends! Double or Better Drops weekend!
  226. Itemization System? Nothing new yet...
  227. Purchased Elixirs
  228. Remove new event systen
  229. Moga Controller
  230. Misclick on auto revive or respawn here
  231. Original pets time to become tradeable!!!
  232. anti-blocking suggestion
  233. A little addition to PvP
  234. respec
  235. just a day for us.......!!!!!!!
  236. More Loadout Sets Please
  237. More crafting slots
  238. LMS
  239. Inactive names
  240. Spacetime support - handling scams/loss of items
  241. Host options back
  242. Low level rogue best weapon from crates.
  243. PvP needs more!!
  244. Pet customization
  245. Exp lock/kills
  246. Please make a​​ "convert equipment to a​​ vanity weekend"
  247. Allow liquidation of eggs
  248. Real PVP Suggestion
  249. Guild Bulletin Board
  250. Sts help me skill respect