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  1. Legendary key
  2. why isn't it available
  3. [Suggestion] Simplify enemies movement
  4. How about a ''mythic '' vanity and a '''arcane''' vanity ??? I know this is good:)
  5. why do you join just to get our guild disount on pots??? change this please.. lol!
  6. Normal attack improvement
  7. AL should have AI adjusting to you (sprung this off a thread)
  8. Auction for buyers
  9. Regarding Crypts Leaders in the Leaderboards
  10. [Suggestion] Potion Day
  11. Make chat box viewable from social menu ( when making any promotions )
  12. Mythc items
  13. Extra crafting slots
  14. [Suggestion] Make consumables stacked into one entry of items
  15. Spacetime Studios in-game support.<suggestion>
  16. Friend lists
  17. Vengeful Blood - Acute strike
  18. Different NPCs in TDM
  19. Get rid of kits
  20. Buying Platinum by SMS
  21. make this game Chinese version and introduce this game to China
  22. Guild note system
  23. Make an option to open lockeds with gold
  24. new pvp arena ( frozen trail : has a boss inside { frostr or dragon } )
  25. new weapons available for warrior :)
  26. event
  27. suggestion for a mute banner
  28. [Suggestion] Nox Bolt to restore mana with killing
  29. Locked best way for get mythic and arcane stuff.....???????
  30. Awesome new pet ideas!!
  31. new titles
  32. [Suggestion] Mage's Arcane Shield to have max 8s duration and 15s cooldown
  33. Lep in PvP
  34. [Suggestion]Custom Pets
  35. [Suggestion]Current Position at LB
  36. New Guild Hall and Tavern
  37. locked crates
  38. Mythic Weapons Comparison
  39. gambling with your gold sounds better than gambling with platinum
  40. mythic madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  41. Aegir island revamp
  42. Gladiator Arena
  43. pvp player
  44. Friend list qrick messege.
  45. Abaddon for plats that can be traded. We are waiting for it! :)
  46. Suggestion 2x hauntlet token
  47. make pets names and players names a different color
  48. What just happens....
  49. No double crates, yes double grand gems
  50. Global chat
  51. any advice on plat
  52. Add Finish Crafting faster Plat kits or make it to finish directly with gold
  53. Monthly Vanities!
  54. Players choice looks
  55. Daily challenges
  56. Mythic/Arcane gear sugesstions.
  57. A Suggestion For PvP Balance
  58. Skill build - What's the point?
  59. A Way to Show Guild Rank.
  60. New banner ideas
  61. Solution to stop plat farmers blowing the trust of plat buyers in this game.
  62. Nekro information.
  63. suggestion.friendchat
  64. Regarding forged energy kit !!
  65. Free Rename weekend
  66. New Tomb, Please Dart and Hazel Farmable
  67. Custom Guild Banners
  68. Towns
  69. A Character re-name Suggestion
  70. Happy Hour!
  71. Reserved names shouldn't be account tethered
  72. Be The Evil day.
  73. Suggestion: please increase stash max :))
  74. Exclusive Vanitys
  75. Muted title
  76. fix your problem with google chrome
  77. Add proc to magma gear
  78. paysafe card
  79. Payment system
  80. Cant log on Gmail acc.
  81. Planar Arena Feedback
  82. 2x chance events for locked
  83. Arcane Legends 1.2 (Planar Arena) Client | Official Feedback Thread
  84. Suggestion : Make Achievement Points Visible to Others
  85. Changing color of S6 banner
  86. guild menu suggestion
  87. Singe? Now please Scorch!
  88. Halloween suggestion. mythic skins suggestion.
  89. STS plss fix hammerjaw and glacian .
  90. add mall points :)
  91. Musics without sound plz
  92. Extra Equipment Loadouts
  93. Arcane maul
  94. Make a different pvp room without warriors.
  95. Sugestion: Tax Act
  96. Guild System
  97. Please Fix Arena Loot
  98. Vs arena (my version)
  99. Suggestion: Seasonal Leaderboard
  100. A Suggestion
  101. Add Poison Cloud effect to Bulwark proc
  102. Funny idea.
  103. stats during trae ?? sounds good??
  104. Halloween Pet Skins
  105. Physical/Magic Damage and Armor
  106. Checkpoints
  107. mages class ...
  108. Paypal or something else?
  109. Valentine's little and big love
  110. Arcane weapons upgrade
  111. [Suggestion] "Search" possibility in friend list system
  112. Bulwark
  113. Let's Talk About Class Balance!
  114. Any good devices?
  115. screen recording app
  116. Monthly Vanity
  117. Just for fun pvp
  118. Convert my mage named Robhawk to a warrior!
  119. Sir Sellsalot (Spendsalots alter ego)
  120. Guild halls...
  121. ReDo spooky greetings
  122. Locked crate weekend
  123. Gold for respect skills
  124. Mythic item of experience
  125. Haloween is coming soon!!
  126. Rename kits
  127. Suggestion about Inventory Loadout
  128. Shards!!!
  129. having trouble getting my guild on the registered guild list
  130. New /r chat command issue
  131. pvp
  132. PvP kick System and Voice chat
  133. Body Paint
  134. SUGGESTION::: Info about presence of players in menu!
  135. Suggestion for Halloween event
  136. Locked F2P
  137. Pet that rrepresents PL
  138. Rogue in PvP
  139. Adjust the exit button on the end page of pvp arenas please :p
  140. Guild Hall Kits !! :)
  141. need help for find new free plat offer :TapJoy
  142. We need better quality
  143. A modification to the rename kit idea
  144. Guild Hall
  145. about vanity
  146. new pasive skill
  147. let's talk about class balance²
  148. Suggestion: Give Planar Arena more incentives to run.
  149. lvl 2 gold tier goblin ring ( golden agile ) make stashable like other goblin rings
  150. Some new ideas
  151. Arcane Legends MOBA
  152. Deaths Vanity
  153. Market Must-Havs!
  154. Paracelsus Soul Stone
  155. legendary tournament :D
  156. Emotions
  157. Your bulwark nerf is plain bad
  158. #BuffScorch2014
  159. the mage whine thread..
  160. Fairer paths to gear, and pushing platinum onto personalisation and pets.
  161. warromage
  162. Guild stash
  163. Some more ideas to flavour the game
  164. ._. Some Suggestions
  165. Additional CS Improvements?
  166. Item Crafting
  167. Making the game easier and more enjoyable
  168. plats so costly :(
  169. Just a silly idea :)
  170. Lvl 41 Mythic Halloween Weapons
  171. Why do emojis and other symbols don't work in game and forums?
  172. Respect Button
  173. Have you seen improvement in AL so far?
  174. Auction hall
  175. Wings..we all want to fly Vanity idea
  176. New Story Tokens Pets :D
  177. cAN YOu ADD platinums on klaas and shazbot 1-10 plats
  178. New face for warrior
  179. About balance
  180. Sns fix come or not?
  181. Suggestion: Inspecting other characters should cost 1 Plat.
  182. (AFK) in Social Tab
  183. Feedback
  184. 10m vanity
  185. Re - egg pets
  186. Fix bulwark and elondrian gun
  187. [ | Suggestion | ] New Guild Ranking.
  188. Discount ankhs at guild hall!
  189. [Suggestion] Ankh to be buyable with story tokens
  190. Lock Dev threads in AL Announcements
  191. Arcane Legends Halloween Event Official Suggestions and Feedback Thread
  192. New auto-chat select is horrible. Please put it back
  193. Banner!!
  194. Something to think about!
  195. Rudolf turn down the glow :)
  196. [Suggestion] Button in HUD to change/rotate skill sets
  197. Necro nom
  198. Jack, throw us a bone here! (Jack Loot suggestion)
  199. if you can't take it out..
  200. Capture the flag fix
  201. Assist the victim that was being scam
  202. Buffing shady and surge (mana drain)
  203. this would be a cool vanity
  204. Annoying Chat Box on iOS 8
  205. Suggestion for future event leaderboard
  206. Crafting Station Slots
  207. Level Matching Random Parties for the Event
  208. CHAT!
  209. Replace Soulstone effect
  210. [suggestion] chat systems!
  211. { Suggestion } Search bar
  212. Make Crafted Energy Kits Stashable
  213. Bulwark buff fix in pve
  214. Map boot option
  215. Idea : The Bank of Arlor
  216. Fix CTF once and for all
  217. Gale Force Skill's AOE gone after update of 29th Oct'2014
  218. Make Firebug elixir tradeable
  219. Modifications to the new chat system.
  220. Can you make it tradable?
  221. Pre-constructed trade deals
  222. Auto-disconnect option
  223. Search Screen for Guild/Friends
  224. Final choice - egg opening
  225. Option to Liquidate Eggs!
  226. An epithay
  227. A auction house in Guild Hall will do!
  228. Slap or kill other player in city..
  229. Suggestion from Nov. 3 to 5.
  230. Arcane calendar
  231. Regarding Name Sales.
  232. Necro nom, elo ward
  233. Need more mythic weapons for warrior
  234. Reduce Blinky's Auto Range
  235. [Suggestion] Lessen the time for Greater Chest Crafts
  236. Pet Names
  237. New chat system really bad :/
  238. Some suggestions.
  239. make elite maps more fun ...
  240. Suggestions.
  241. Free Revive Weekend!
  242. Dodge
  243. Immersive mode on android
  244. CTF
  245. Paracelsus Gem
  246. Remapping Process ♣
  247. not pets getting xp faster but also gaining happiness 2x faster when dismissed!!
  248. RAGE Suggestion
  249. More Craft Station Slots
  250. Buffs and Debuffs on Boss