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  1. Please....Vanities need to be separate from equipment
  2. Bid system
  3. pet
  4. Fishing
  5. TR map from Labyrinth event as event
  6. Add class specific side quests for sorcerer (and additional 1 for rogue)
  7. The Leaderboard as furniture
  8. Stable organization
  9. Can make this thing moveable ?
  10. New jewel
  11. Adding new slot to pet
  12. Some vanities needs to be brought back
  13. Old pvp gear/arlorian ring
  14. SUGGESTION: Gauntlet gold drop NERF
  15. Vardan 2x not working
  16. Spanish language
  17. Mini Event Respec Scrolls
  18. tyrant jewel
  19. New type of weapon
  20. Restore the sets that were in the store and cost platinum.
  21. Filler event in April?
  22. Hardcore revamp
  23. Horns
  24. Some leaderboard Vanity Descriptions
  25. Auction abuse/scam ?
  26. Autocraft and Autocraft Slots Suggestion
  27. Banished/Executed kills
  28. House options
  29. the most difficult map in the game
  30. Guild Configuration Fixes
  31. Chat world
  32. Full stacks
  33. 3 year of asking for this
  34. Level 1 artifact/bracelet/belt
  35. More 'Block Player' features
  36. avoid harassment
  37. New mythic awakening gem
  38. About gear awakening
  39. Op Titles for top guilds
  40. Remove Class restrictions in ezg
  41. Pack a title
  42. Ecuadorian Banner
  43. New (give a delay if you listing items on auction)
  44. Regulated Loot
  45. Murkstones and Vales
  46. Open Floor Plan Customization?
  47. Smash hands
  48. Something new for upcoming Eggzavier event
  49. balance Mage gun 81 mythic
  50. Up Limit Guildhall Size from 50 to 70 !
  51. Setting added , suggestions only
  52. Different LB sets each class
  53. Fragment of respect
  54. New Guild Rank
  55. Add damage counter dummy?
  56. Gold farming event in 2024
  57. Rogue vanities Shoulders
  58. suggestion for next forgotten vanity event
  59. Lockeds
  60. Can the ToS of the game be updated and more transparent
  61. Ult recharge cooldown
  62. Last Legend Standing
  63. Toon’s posture for tokens
  64. Wedding anniversary rewards
  65. Your designer has something with mages
  66. Changing Skills
  67. Power Creep in Arcane Legends
  68. Re work the luck stat
  69. Naked Hotbar/Loadout
  70. More Trading Space
  71. Jewel elixir
  72. Lower Halo Holders
  73. Guaranteed reduced to 100 locks
  74. New use for spirit weapons
  75. Need chat improvements
  76. Enable “gem’s name” searching in auction
  77. Marriage date
  78. Platinum tier rewards?
  79. Unused jewel elixirs
  80. Let us Save Pets to Loadouts
  81. Event Concept: "The Endless Tower of Mardrom"
  82. EZG Popularity
  83. Awakening gems drops from maps
  84. New maps like kraken isles needed
  85. Guild need perks and passive buffs
  86. House locations reworked stats
  87. Passives stats rework
  88. Jester's lucky squid games
  89. Guild Bans
  90. Varieties
  91. hide / show item effects \\ jewels
  92. Guild wars locations dominion and missions
  93. badge placement on pc
  94. Better loot drops from bosses a complete overhaul
  95. Goldstead farm
  96. Two genders for character classes
  97. New gear trial test
  98. A new zone map
  99. More pets With the same AA mechanics as H Harry (Gold loot AA )
  100. Elemental Jewels
  101. Need a drop down menu for inventory and stash items
  102. Separate Arcanite pets from Arcane pet varities.
  103. Vermilius
  104. New pet with really good unique stats and better luck mechanic
  105. Badges and titles buffs and drops
  106. 375 lockeds for 25 slots?
  107. arcane deary portal
  108. Favoriting Titles and Badges
  109. Including Jeweled Items in Bulk Sale
  110. Quick auto button
  111. Black Market
  112. Guild spaces
  113. Season Pass ?
  114. A map for all
  115. Large insense lootable
  116. new item to change class
  117. DPS in warrior weapons
  118. Crate keys
  119. Missing buff icons
  120. Nightsaber vanity weapon
  121. Search Pets by Stat
  122. New Feature: Collector Bag
  123. Furniture?
  124. Guild Event Boss Kills - Festerfang Swamp
  125. improve the /stats command
  126. New Feature for Stable: Mounts
  127. Pet xp bound
  128. Vanity Suggestion for future events
  129. rusk aura
  130. Reworked Information - Detailed information about boss and mobs (also animated)
  131. New Feature: Melting Stardust
  132. New Feature - Deities
  133. Hello There Title
  134. Spirit Weapon
  135. Haste not working with bows
  136. Pet arcane ability missed/wasted
  137. Badge converting
  138. New Feature - Map Pylon
  139. tier list for plat users /+ plat auction
  140. New Feature - Traveling Merchant
  141. Add searching in chest contents
  142. New Feature - Bestiary
  143. Festerfang pvp rebalance
  144. Add real rewards to the top lb players
  145. New Feature - Looter bag
  146. Vyromir Stone
  147. Event runner chests
  148. New Feature - Aps Overhaul
  149. Neptaris and rusk bow
  150. New Feature - New Jewels & Jewel Elixirs
  151. New jewels being unreasonable
  152. REVAMP [Shuyal, Planar Arena]
  153. Lb furniture for homes
  154. Story & fable tokens revamp
  155. Royal Blood Gem Fix
  156. Android/Follower
  157. Re-enable Ads for elixirs
  158. Hide PvP/Pve
  159. Chain vanity warrior
  160. New Feature - True Enchant
  161. Characters Filter
  162. Chat for spouse
  163. New Feature - Spouse Revamp
  164. Guild rules menu
  165. Solo map runs
  166. Zodias eating machine weapons proc in pvp
  167. 1000 house slots
  168. Vanity Chakrams
  169. '>>Skip' Button when taking items from the crafting station
  170. Goblin Event - Mother
  171. Badge vanity
  172. Buff the nox bolt skill "Contagion"
  173. Recruitment LB in guilds
  174. Stone/Jewel Visual Toggle Off
  175. Auto-liquidate low tier items.
  176. Friend remark column
  177. Reduce Zodias Spirit Aegis CD
  178. Please nerf Warrior Pvp Damage output
  179. Ranked Honor and Weird idea for Fester fang outpost
  180. New Feature - core friendly loot system
  181. Tyrant jewels to work on 86 items
  182. Rahabkhor progress
  183. Hideout house door
  184. Leaderboards after events
  185. Add More Equipment Loadouts
  186. New Feature - overall overhaul system
  187. Replace zaarus loot inside EW crates with SB
  188. two suggestions
  189. Honor PvP
  190. Guild battleground Honor set
  191. Deluxe Versions of Existing House Deeds
  192. Does Killing Hailstone stack?
  193. Make these stashable please
  194. Tattoo on face
  195. Please nerf warrior in 86 pvp
  196. AFK/Busy Labels
  197. 1 second delay before boss drop loot when they die
  198. New Option to hide equipment visuals
  199. Aura Idea for Dragkin Temple Event
  200. Arcanite rarity for pet/gears
  201. Bio beast vs ekenta
  202. toxic wisp/venomous aura
  203. Cooking / Drink
  204. HotBar Upgrade
  205. Plat Sale
  206. Game time
  207. Inspect avatar background
  208. Unlock paradise!!
  209. Suggestion for upcoming dragkin temple event
  210. achievement points rewards
  211. New house edition method
  212. Sorcerers gale force
  213. New Goblin Aura
  214. Pls up hot bar
  215. gladiator towne/arena
  216. "Rizzer" Title
  217. Lb Seasonal Banners
  218. Lvl 10 Chakram, Orb, Chain
  219. Boss kills ap
  220. Aps title reward
  221. Improving rogue skills in pve
  222. Gaze Vanities
  223. 2 swords for warri
  224. Titles in Lost Expedition Chests
  225. Season 34 Zodias catacombs
  226. Arcane legends guide place
  227. Lacks of tokens ingame
  228. Barrier Elite Sanc Boss Entrance
  229. World map portal into furniture / aura
  230. Slots mini-event
  231. revive in drop events of old vanitys that are being lost! (not including lbs clearly)
  232. soulbinder jewel
  233. Vamp aura
  234. Crate Token Vendor
  235. Permanent display of wave number in wave-based maps
  236. New class :))
  237. Revive this item and drop more such items in events
  238. Redo everything in the game
  239. New vanity
  240. Display previous leaderboards
  241. Item set viewer
  242. Arcane fossil dead ☠️
  243. Set Visual
  244. Tips on new things for the game
  245. Game collab
  246. Guild Additions
  247. New Feature - Stone of augmentation - gem awakening - Revamp
  248. in-game store
  249. Jewel Elixir
  250. Option to convert aura into banner